In my house

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Neveah pov

After seeing the most traumatizing thing in the world I decided it was best for me to go home so I won't have to see anything else that is not meant to be seen in school. Once I arrived home I cleaned up my room because it was a little junky and normally my friends come over after school. As I finish cleaning my room I hear the doorbell ring.

"Hey," I say as I open the door

"What's up bitchhh," Leah says

"Where are Naomi and Noah?" I say

"Oh they're coming, later on, they have something to do first," Emely says

"Oh okay then come in then girl," I say

"Bitch where y'all food at I'm hungry."

" in the kitchen. where else is it supposed to be?"

"I don't know y'all rich who knows where it could be in this big ass house." She says

I roll my eyes as we walk into the kitchen.

"Damn girl y'all don't have no food." She says

"Yes, we do all that food in your face," I say

"Who is this supposed to fill up a baby?" She says

"Look either you eat what's in there or don't eat anything at all," I say

"How about we order a pizza?" She says

"Fine but you're paying not me," I say

"Fine," she says

As she walks off to order the pizza, I hear the doorbell ring so I go to open it and it's Noah and Naomi, my other two best friends.

"Hey," Noah says

"Hey guys. What took you long enough to show up." I say

"Sorry about that but we had to do something." She says and winks at me.

I don't know what that wink was but I'm going to assume I do.

"So are your annoying foster sisters here," Naomi says

"Nope, don't know and don't care," I say as we walk into the kitchen

"I ordered the pizzas they should be here in about 20 minutes," Leah says

"Oh, you guys won't believe what I saw in the hallways today," I say

"Oooh what was it? couples fucking, two dudes making out, someone getting beat up." Leah says

"Ummm no and most of that stuff happens daily at school," I Say

"Well, then I don't know what It could be then," Leah says

"It was Mateo and Steffany kissing," I say remembering what I saw. Eww what the fuck.

"Eww, you saw them tonguing down each other's mouths I know that shit was traumatizing," Naomi says

"That was the reason why I had to leave early because I couldn't stay there any longer," I say

The doorbell rings AGAIN and this time it's the pizza man with our food.

"Pizza here," I say

After we were done eating it was time for them to go home so it left me alone in the house with nothing to do. So I decided to take a nap

8:10 PM

What the hell? I slept for 4 hours.

I get up and walk out of my room and walk down the stairs. Once I'm down I hear loud talking in the living room, not caring, and just walking into the kitchen to get some chips and some juice. I turn around to see Mateo standing at the door.

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