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Naveah pov

Today is the day of graduation and I'm so nervous because not only do I have to walk across the stage in front of everyone but I also have to have answers for Mateo and I finally made the decision on what college I'm going to go to. I'm more nervous about the college decision because I don't know what everyone is going to think.

Everyone is getting ready for graduation right now. I have my outfit on and I just have to put on my cap and gown. I walk out of my room and walk downstairs to wait for everyone.

"Girls come on, you can't be late for your graduation." Mom says

"Coming." They all Yell

They all walk out of their rooms, come downstairs, and stand by the door. Now we're just waiting on mom.

"Okay let's go." Mom says coming from out of the kitchen. We all walk outside and get into mom's car because it's bigger to fit us all.

We finally reach our school and we walk to the football field since that's where they can fit all of us at. I sit in the row I'm supposed to be in but I'm not alone since Stephany has the same last name as me.

"Are you ready to graduate?" She ask


"Do you have in mind what school you're going to?" She ask

"Yeah. Do you?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm going to the University of California." She says

"Oh, that's good."


"Welcome students, I am proud to have you and your family here with us today. I am so proud of you guys." I started to zone her out because she was talking too much. I tooned back in once she started calling names until I realized that me and Stephany are at the end of the fucking alphabet. I close my eyes a little bit just to calm down but I get shaken and I open my eyes to see Stephany doing something with her head.

"Look over dumbass." She says I look over to see Mateo staring at me. I wave to not make it awkward and look away. They might have already called him and I wasn't paying attention because he has his diploma in his hands.

The teacher comes to my row and tells us to stand up and form a line and we start walking. The others walked on stage already if you're wondering I just zoned out my bad you guys. We stand at the end of the steps and they start calling names. The line starts shortening.

"Stephany Valentine." The teacher says and she starts walking across the stage and shaking hands. If I was to say that I wanted to piss my pants right now it would be true.

"Naveah Valentine." I walk across and start shaking every teacher's hand. Oh thank the fuck lord that's over. I go to sit down and Stephany is jumping up and down.

"We graduated Naveah." Stephany says

"Yeah, we did." I say

"Your mom and our dad would be so proud of us, especially you." Stephany says

"Yeah, they would."

"Everyone This is the end. Good job class of 2022." The lady says and we all throw our caps in the air. We get up and go to our families.

"I'm so proud of you girls. I'm going to miss y'all." Mom says

"You can always call us." Evelyn says

"Mr. Lover boy is looking at you. I think you should go talk to him." Aubrey wishers in my ears. I look over to see him standing there. He mouths come here and I go to walk to him.

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