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Naveah pov

School. Why is it a thing? What is the purpose of the torture? Like you have to wake up early every morning just to come here and hear people talk for hours. Apparently it's supposed to help you for adult life but damn I don't think this is going to help. Here I am in English class hearing the teacher talk about some book. We're supposed to read it and then write about it but I'm so hungry that I can't even function right.

"Okay class you can start packing up now." The teacher says

We all start putting stuff away and the bell rings. Finally, I walk out of class to come face to face with the most handsome man in this world.

"Hey beautiful." Mateo says as he kisses my lips

"Eww get a room." Greyson says from behind us

"Oh shut up you're just mad that you don't have a girlfriend." Mateo says

"Yeah yeah can we get to lunch now. I'm hungry." Greyson says and walks away from us

Me and Mateo start to walk to lunch with our hands intertwined. Isn't this the cutest?

Bitch what has gotten into you.

What do you mean? I'm acting like me

No you are not. I have been here with you from day one and you've changed. What happened to fuck these men Naveah?

Look, I'm still the same person. I just want to change a little to see how it feels.

We all sit down and start up a conversation.

"So you guys prom is coming up soon and have y'all applied to colleges yet?" Naomi says

"Yes I have and Jonah also." Greyson says

"Me too." Mateo says

"Yeah all of us have except I don't know about Naveah but I know what college she has always wanted to go to." Leah says

"Yeah babe, what colleges did you apply for?" Mateo ask looking at me

"Ummm a few but that doesn't matter." I say

"Yes it does, Her dream college is NYU. She always talked about wanting a life in New York." Naomi says

"Wow, I didn't know you wanted to go there. I could always pull some strings. My mom has a friend that works there." Mateo says

"Wow thanks, that will be great." I say with no enthusiasm in my voice

I just don't want to think about college right now because I know he wants to go all the way to LA for football and I want my life in New York and long-distance relationships aren't always the best. Especially because me and him will have busy schedules and all of that and trying to juggle a relationship won't work.

The bell soon rings and it's time for us to go to our next 3 periods which I have with Mateo. We walk hand in hand to each class as I sit here and think about our life. School finally ends. Mateo picked me up so I had to drive back with him. I get into his car and we drove in silence to my house. I have caught him looking over at me a few times but I brushed it off. We pull up in front of my house and I grab my stuff and get out of the car and start to walk to the door until I get pulled back by someone.

"Baby what's wrong?" Mateo ask

"Nothing why you ask." I lie

"Because you've been quiet for the rest of the day of school and the ride here." He says

"I'm fine Mateo, really have a safe ride home." I say pulling away

"No you're not Naveah. Just tell me what's wrong so we can fix it. Remember never hide secrets and always tell each other what's wrong so we don't run into any problems." He says. Damn I hate when he's right

"Okay fine. I'm scared about what our relationship is going to be like after high school because what if we break it off because we will want to see other people or what if–" Mateo interrupts me by kissing me

"I will not break this relationship off, okay we're going to make this work after high school." He says

"What if you want to see other people? You are going to be a football player and you're going to be in LA where all the hot laddies are at." I say crossing my arms and pouting

"The only hot lady I will be thinking of is the girl in New York trying to become a lawyer. Most females in California aren't as natural as you." He says smirking


Shut up

"Plus we have a lot of time left, okay we haven't even made it to christmas yet." He says

"It's almost christmas in two weeks." I say

"But we still have a lot of time." he says kissing my forehead

"You're right." I say calming down

"You're my forever Naveah and no one can replace you." He says kissing my lips

"I love you." I blurt


I don't know, did I really just say that?


What if he doesn't say it back


"I love you too Naveah." He says smiling. "I was so nervous to say it at first because it was pretty early in the relationship but I always felt like this since before we got together." He says

Well that went well

I'm still alive right?

Yeah we still breathing babes

Good, good

"Do you want to stay over?" I ask

"Sure. I'm pretty sure I still have some clothes here." He says as we walk into the house

"Yeah you do in my top drawer." I say as we walk upstairs to my room

Is the room clean?

I'm pretty sure yeah

Good because we don't want to see that side of us

"Wow, your room is clean." He says

"Haha, very funny." I say

"Want to watch a movie?" I suggest

"Yup whatever movie you want." He says

We both took a shower together. No funny business you guys. We get into our pajamas and turn on a movie and cuddle. Soon I feel myself drifting asleep.

Authors note:

Sorry I didn't upload last week. A lot was happening in my life for no reason at all but I'm back.

I feel like this chapter was shorter than others but I don't know.

I honestly have no words

Hope you enjoyed this chapter



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