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Mateo pov

I haven't heard from Naveah in a week after our little argument we had in the hallway. I want to reach out to her but then I want to give her space because I don't want her to get annoyed with me. I never thought she would try to work it out with me but I done fucked it up. I'm sitting right here with Stephany as she's talking my ears off.

"So we were thinking about going on a trip. It will be me, you, Evelyn, Hazel, Greyson, Jonah, Maybe Aubrey and Faith but who knows." Stephanny says to me.

"Mateo, are you listening to me?" She ask

"Huh," I say

"You aren't even listening to me. I was telling you about the trip we were going to go on. Remember that is happening in a few weeks." She says

"Oh yeah, what about it?" I ask

"We were thinking about going to Miami instead of a big country because it's only going to be a week," she says

"Oh okay, that's fine," I say walking out of the kitchen and going to the living room

"What is going on with you? You have been off for the past week," she says

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm fine." I say

"Is there someone else?" she ask

Why is she asking me that? Like it's her business who I talk to.

"Maybe there is but why do you care?" I say getting angry

"I was just asking, why are you getting so angry at me?" she says

"Because you don't mind your business, you think that you need to know everything I do. like who I'm dating, who I speak to. It's none of your business you're not my girlfriend so leave me alone." I say

"But all the things we do with each other are relationship things for example like sex and you putting your arm around me," she says

"First off I only have sex with you when I'm stressed or angry which is rare honestly and you choose to have sex with me I never force you or suggest it you do. Then YOU putting my arm around you it's not me showing affection to you and if you really look at it you only put my arm around you when Naveah comes around sounds like someone is intimidated to me." I say

"Me intimidated by Naveah, you have to be joking. If she was at least on my beauty standards I would at least be somewhat intimidated because that means I will have competition but I don't, first off, she doesn't comb her hair and at least put it in a good-looking ponytail, then the way she dresses isn't a very good style she gives off tomboy vibes which is not cute, then she has meaningless tattoos and makes her look ghetto. Then that's not even her real hair texture or style she puts stuff on it so it can look curly and feel soft but it's rough and nappy." she says. Is she fucking serious?

"Is that how you feel about all black women? Because I could have sworn you were one too. You most definitely take after some of your dad's features who is black." I say

"Yeah I might take some of my dad's features but I look more like my mom than anything," she says

"Okay but you are still technically half black and you always talk about black people like their gum on the bottom of your shoe," I say

"What's your purpose for this? I feel how I want to feel about them." I roll my eyes. "Also why do you always come to Naveah's defense every time."

"Because you talk shit about her behind her back which is rude ass shit and something you wouldn't do if she was in her face."

"You know if I say this to her face she will try to fight me."

"No she won't, you just make her seem like a bad person when she's not. You have always been like that. It's like you have a grudge against her." I say.




"Stephany, why are you making shit up?"

"I'm not. We are sisters." She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of her dad then shows a picture of Naveah when she was younger with the same man. I remember Naveah showing me this picture when we were kids. "

"Does Naveah know about this?"

"No, I promised I wouldn't tell her until it was the right time."

"When is it going to be the right time Stephany?"

"I don't know."


"Do you want to know the story about what happened between them?"

"Hell no. I don't want to be involved in this. You need to tell Naveah soon."

"I will, I just need to figure out how I'm going to sit down and tell her this."

"Who else knows?"

"You, my mom, foster mom, then her parents of course."

"Even her foster mom knows?"

"Yeah." The door to my house opens.


"In the living room!" Greyson and Jonah walk into the living room. Looks over at Stephany then back to me with a confused face.

"Who the hell died because why do yall look like sad puppies?"

"No one died."

"Did yall break up?"

"We aren't together."


"Well let's watch a movie. Me and Jonah bought pizza." They sit down on the couch and turn on the tv.

I look over at Stephany who looks like she's thinking very deeply about this. 

Authors note:

It is 9:14 AM

This took me 4 days to write this damn chapter. The longest that it has ever taken me.

Anyways how like the chapter

Hope you enjoy

Have a good day


Word count:  970

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