That Night

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He got up from the bed and moved into the bathroom. I could hear the shower wash him down as I lay all covered in duvet. I felt pathetic. I wanted to go back to the previous hour but this couldn't be undone. I just sighed and shut my eyes close.

I stretched out my arm to check my phone and saw seven missed calls from Suzzy, my best friend, favorite person and confidante. I really wanted to call her back but I just couldn't gather the energy to. My whole body was like a broken, cracked glass.

I got off the bed sluggishly and followed up slowly to the bathroom and freshened up alongside him. He smiled at me gently pushing me against the wall and leaned over me with his hand on the space next to me as support, water dripping from his face unto me. He leaned in further and bit my lip. He moved his hand around my body, teasing me. He sucked on my neck and I moaned loudly. "Aah yes!" He exclaimed with pleasure. I gathered strength and pushed him off reminding him of my awful state. He reached out and hugged me, saying softly into my ear ; "You'll be fine soon, I promise." I felt calm with that. He then grabbed a towel to cover me up and left. I watched his butt while he left and let out a small laugh.

After he had left the shower, I pondered over everything as I tried to dry myself with the towel and the overwhelming thoughts just won't stop coming. I winced with pain and clutched my abdomen to feel better but that was just a dump thing to do. It made me feel worse.
I assembled enough strength to cover myself with a night coat and limped back slowly unto the bed. He laid there only in black briefs with a smile of satisfaction. Was there a good feeling about this? Making someone limp?

He impulsively moved over to assist me unto the bed. "I'm so sorry my love." He apologized to make me feel better I guess. I nodded. On the bed, he wrapped his arm around me, kissed my shoulder and neck, whispered goodnight softly into my ear as he tried to cover us up with the sheets and put his arms across me. I shriveled myself into him and shut my eyes close. I was grateful sleep came by early.

"Where were you all night?" Suzzy asked with a concerned look as I walked into the room like I needed a walking stick. She peeped through the window behind me and saw a black car leave the parking lot. Opening up to speak became a task for me. Breathing heavily, I replied "Jaime's apartment." "Who? Mr. Moore?" Suzzy asked shocked.

"You know about him already so why are you being so extreme?" I blurted out with a slight eye roll. Suzzy sighed. "Good thing he dropped you off here." Suzzy said. "Can I stay with you today? I don't want to be alone, I just might commit suicide." I pleaded politely.

"I really need to take up credits for today's Thermodynamics class and I have to make a presentation on Entropy. So you're going to stay in alone. You know I'm a good friend and I wouldn't let you down if I had a choice."

She looked up at the old vintage clock and squinted her eyes. "It's 8:30 now, I'll be back not long after 12pm okay. I trust you, you're so full of life you can't end it." Suzzy said and giggled. We hugged and she left.

I squeezed myself into the blue sofa facing the 55 inch television and arched my back a little to ease the pain which had now reduced massively. I picked up the remote to turn on the television just to occupy my hyperactive brains cells which constantly brought up memories of last night. I didn't detest what had happened but I didn't want to think about it either. I kept switching stations till I saw a martial arts movie. I really love fantasy martial arts movies especially the Chinese ones which seem so fictitious.

I sat there for three full hours until I felt my belly ramble from hunger. I made my way to the kitchen to get some fruits but changed my mind on the sight of a packet of noodles and decided to give myself a noodles treat. I took out a pan from one of the cabinets and prepared a very spicy plate of noodles. I usually spent most of my time at Suzzy's so I really knew my way around. I decided to get another plate for Suzzy because it was past 12 and I was expecting her anytime soon.

I really had felt better by the time Suzzy arrived few minutes after I had dished out her food and picked up mine to eat. She inhaled the fragrance and looked down at me on the sofa as if expecting something and I pointed the kitchen. She hastily dropped her bag and rushed to the kitchen. "Oh Suzzy! You're such a hungry child." I shouted behind her and laughed.

She joined me on the sofa as she dropped her glass of water and kept staring at me. After ages, she decided to speak with her mouth stuffed with food. "I thought we're not hiding anything. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?" Suzzy sincerely voiced out. I kept knocking the plate with my fork in shame. "Hm so tell me all about your interaction with Mr. Moore and last night."

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