Losing You.

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"When will your classes be over today?" Jaime instantly asked impassively when I picked up his call. "3pm" I answered. He ended the call.
He had eventually called after I refused to call back prior to Suzzy's suggestion.
Suzzy was down with laughter. I couldn't help but laugh slightly too. I was very overwhelmed and didn't understand Jaime's sudden emotionless actions. Well, it was kind of turning me on. Those alpha male and emotionally unavailable vibes kept me in chokehold.

Soon it was pass 1pm and we had to disperse for our next classes. We both made our way out of the cafeteria and hugged goodbye. "See you after school." I screamed over to Suzzy who was now about a mile away.

I made a lot of progress in the Fluid Mechanics class and it was over soon. The lecturer dismissed us but asked that I wait. I was wondering what the issue could be but quickly brushed it off because I couldn't think of what could possibly go wrong. When almost everyone had left, he moved over to my desk. "You're one of my best students." He acknowledged. "Your assignments and tests seem a bit rough these days. Feel free to see me anytime you need help." He added as he dropped my test results on the desk, 73% boldly inscribed at the top. I looked up at him and nodded, ashamed. "Thank you sir." I appreciated. I walked out of the hall extremely disappointed in myself. I looked lost. I reached a decision to get home quickly and channel all my rage and disappointment into my books to catch up. I really meant it. I picked out my phone and texted Suzzy. "Will be busy tonight."

I walked hastily through the huge gates out of the school. Abruptly, I felt a pull on my hand. It was Jaime. His fearful aura effortlessly got me.

"Come with me." He insisted. "No!" I shouted as I withdrew my hand from his grasp with force. He desperately looked around us and sighed. Flustered, he carried me off my feet into his car. We caught numerous eyes at the scene and I was quite embarrassed. He moved over about the rear to the driver's seat and drove away very fast and furiously. I was scared, very scared.

Jaime wasn't playing, he wasn't the normal Jaime I knew... he had become more like Mr. Moore as his fearful aura dominated the whole atmosphere.

It was now sunset and I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even have a brain cell left to think of where we were headed to. Jaime took a sharp break that jerked me forward. I looked around the current environment and it looked a little bit isolated. There was a huge white gate before us. It didn't take long for it to open. Jaime drived through the sandy narrow path whose end point was unknown to me. There were multiple other junctions with similar narrow paths which made the place complicated. One could easily get lost here.

There were lots of forest trees everywhere, separating the various paths. After a fairly long and awkward drive we got before another gate. It was smaller the the first and a bit faded. The gate slid gradually to the side until there was enough space for the truck to pass through.

The environment was very serene and dull. There were no bright colors to bring life to the place, it was just raw and dead with only the lights ahead lighting up the place. There was a small cabin house , the source of brown lights which was made made mostly of glass and hardwood. It looked cute and beautiful yet dull. Jaime stopped before a rock fence around the cabin. He got down quickly and with much energy. He told me coldly to get off but I paid no heed.

Jaime moved over to open the door. He forcibly dragged my legs to get me closer to him. He then carried me with so much ease despite my rigorous movements. His wore a hostile face. I got exhausted rather quickly and just let myself lie in his arm. He effortlessly broke the door open and got us through.

The ceiling was magical. There was a golden chandelier and other vintage lightening that made the room breathtaking. He dropped me gently on the parquet wooden floor.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his shirt was unbuttoned below his chest so his chest level was exposed. He was also a bit  sweaty and I was dying for him amidst the pending tension. I watched and simped as he made his way to lock the door.

I was standing against the wall averting my gaze when he turned back from locking the rounded bifold door. I bit my lips as he passed by through a doorway next to me which I later figured led to the kitchen.

I badly wanted to figure out why he wasn't talking to me.
I wanted to talk to him but I was so frightened and didn't know what to say. Amidst trying to figure out what to do next, Jaime came by and dropped a plate of rice and spicy shrimps on the modern straw table before me. "Eat." Jaime said s without affection, trying hard not to look at me. "There's everything you need in the bedroom upstairs, you're going to stay here tonight." He added.

He made his way back to the kitchen. "You know I'm not a doll or a pet or anything of that sort." I got up from my seat and shouted behind him. He stopped in his steps, turned back and leaned against the edge of the wall with crossed arms. "You can't just export me to an isolated territory I know nothing about a refuse to say a word to me. I've had enough." Out of frustration and anger, I voiced out. Like nothing, had happened, he casually made his way back into the kitchen with a soft chuckle.

I followed him closely. "I need answers. Why would you leave me all alone at night when you had willingly invited me over without a word?" I demanded. Jaime began to move towards my direction. He placed his left hand on the wall space beside me, his right hand holding my chin up and looked below at me. "You never let another man take my place , do you get me?!" He uttered coldly. I was so lost and confused. "Oh he still had his doubts about Ted." I thought to myself.

He turned to leave but I quickly grabbed his arm firmly with tears in my eyes. "I only called Ted over to help me out because you put me in a dilemma." I let out tearily.

Jaime reached out to hug me tightly and kissed my scalp below him.

"Grandee, I'm scared of losing you." Jaime confessed, still looking doubtful. "Well, I should've communicated to him earlier that Ted was my roommate and that I didn't live with Suzzy." I blamed myself in my thoughts.

"I have an overwhelming feeling that you're hiding a lot from me, Jaime." I murmured in his chest.
I felt his body quiver instantly at this. He gently pulled me out of his arms.
"Come with me." Jaime requested as he pulled my hand to follow closely behind him upstairs.

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