Grandee & Jaime

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"Grandee", that was my name. It was a Spanish title given to a person of highest rank and eminence, pronounced as /grandi/. Names do really have impact and so did mine.

I feared failure so much and I always did my best to excel in my field. Often, I was on top of whatever I ventured into, be it academics or any other activity and that gained me some fame in high school and college. Despite my fragile looks, I was never abused, bullied or offended. I emanated an energy which avoided bad intentions. I was just different.

Suzzy describes me as a nerdy but fiercely determined guy with a polluted mind.


"He had asked me on another date. I didn't snub his proposal earlier but it seemed we were a thing now even though I hadn't given a solid reply to his proposal. We had grown so fond of ourselves over text and calls that everything was starting to sit right. It was a date but this time the date was in his house. He dismissed all his servants to spare the whole house for just the both of us. I followed the directions he showed me meticulously. It was quite easy tracking along. I got to a huge black gate about thrice my height. At the gate, I took out my phone and went to my recent contacts. I tapped on "Mr. Moore 🙃". He picked up very quickly. "Hi baby!" He said in a very deep sleepy tone. I can see you ... looking all cute and mine."

I was in a light blue baggy jeans and white fitting top, my black cross bag hanging on my left shoulder. I had on a pair of platform shoes on which was almost covered by my jeans and few bangles and beads on my wrist. I looked carefully and realized there was an inconspicuous camera fixed at the gate and smiled as I passed my hand over my dark curly hair. "I'll be right there to get you." He assured.

I stood there for not more than five minutes. He opened up the gate with a wide smile. As usual, he looked like a god. He was in sweatpants and a black compression shirt. I kept taking glances below to see his print but I couldn't get that because I didn't want him to catch me glancing. I was quietly thinking to myself how I attracted him because he was just ...uhh too much. "Are you going to have me carry you in?" He asked poking my nose slightly below him. I shook my head sheepishly and he allowed me in.

In there, my eyes knew no rest. I kept turning and titling, observing the neat luxurious environment. The whole place was filled with different flowering plants , mostly bougainvillea. The floors were laid with limestone cobbles which gave the place a Royal look and the house was painted white and gold. There was a water fountain and monument slightly apart at the center of the big compound. The monument was of a strong man with a piece of cloth on his waist holding unto an almost naked woman and trying to cover her up. "What does this suggest?" I asked with a curious look , pointing to the monument. While I gazed at everything on the compound, Mr. Moore kept staring at me smiling like he had seen the most beautiful painting. He gently took my hand as we walked into the house. "It denotes protection and safety. It indicates how the family is willing to protect and assist anyone who falls vulnerable in our arms." He answered. "Oh right! So the man represents the Moore family?" I asked. "Exactly!" he replied.

We walked past the huge pillars , before the large Italian door which opened up to the hall. He held my waist delicately and ushered me in. I was still looking around, my eyes locked on the crystal chandelier. The opal tiles were just magical and the pearl white furniture complemented it. I covered my mouth in disbelief. "You live in heaven." I voiced out to Mr. Moore who brushed it off with a chuckle.

"I was trying to prepare something nice for you before you called." Mr. Moore disclosed. I followed him up close to the vast kitchen. The aroma was all around . There were two pots on the electric burner gas. "What's cooking?" I inquired. He turned back, looked me top to down and approached me slowly. I kept on moving back at this and soon I was locked between him and the white counter top. He rose me up to sit on the counter gently while staring into my eyes with unconcealed desire. I parted my lips slightly and with his left hand grabbing my waist and right hand on the back of my neck, he kissed me deeply.

Oh my God I just had my first kiss! I definitely have to tell Suzzy about this. He stopped to look at my face. When he realized I had given in , he proceeded and we went into a deep kiss. It felt so good. He kept moving his hands around my back and rubbing my curly hair. The sweetness got overwhelming and I calmly pushed him back to catch some breath. I knew if I had allowed we would've had sex right in the kitchen.

I needed a reason for pushing back so bad. I didn't want him to have a feeling that I didn't enjoy it. "Uhh...umm the food is burning". I alerted him quickly as I adjusted my now crumpled shirt. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed. It wasn't really burning , it was going to get burnt. He rapidly grabbed a ladle and stirred the sauce. He got the chicken from the hot oil. He then moved over to me. My chest wouldn't stop pounding while he approached. He grabbed my chin and rose my head up. He gave me a light lip kiss. "You're really tempting me, I want to do all the bad things in the world to you." He said in a serious tone. "Go sit comfortably at the dining table before it happens." He demanded. When he let go, I bit my lips softly and did as he asked slightly trembling.

He approached holding a huge tray with the bowls of food. I couldn't help but stare at his hot body and biceps as he approached. Just when I decided to go help him, he shook his head to stop me. "You're my beautiful guest." He said. He dropped the tray and transferred all the bowls from the tray to the table. There was a bowl of pasta, a bowl and rice, meat sauce, fried chicken and mixed vegetables. The aroma was so good I was salivating. He then headed back to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of water, fruit juice and two glasses. "I feel honored to have such a beautiful being seated at my table." He flirted and I laughed shyly. He dished out some rice unto my plate and added up some meat sauce. I asked to do the rest by myself. "As you wish baby." He replied. I could tell he less often did this and needed some help.

"This is extremely tasty!" I acknowledged. He looked at me quietly with doubtful eyes to see lies written on my face. "Mr. Moore, I'm being genuine, I promise." I assured. "I trust you my darling." I felt flattered by that. "Grandee, just call by my first name "Jaime" or even, "my king." You being formal is killing me." He said blithely and I nodded. He took my phone from across the table and changed how I had saved his contact from "Mr.Moore🙃" to "My King❤️". He went further to show me how he had saved my contact. "Askim❤️💍" which he explained was the Turkish translation of my love.

We talked about our family as we ate but I didn't want to hold this question in...

"Do you plan on having kids?" I asked confidently.

He dropped his cutlery and looked into my eyes.

"You'll bear my kids, just three of them." He announced boastfully.

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