Call Him Back

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I blinked several times to the morning rays that hit my face sharply. I tried to turn my body but there was a firm grip around my tummy. I managed to turn my head and saw Ted sleep like a baby right behind me.

I was so stunned to react. I didn't understand anything that was going on. Perfunctorily, I gently rose the sheets and realized we weren't fully naked. I was fairly relieved yet scared. My mind was running at separate paces in different places and I just couldn't think right. I tried to remember the events that took place the previous night and I shook my head vigorously when I remembered how Jaime had left me at the cafe without a word. It had damaged my whole mood for the day already. I gently got myself out of Ted's embrace and made my way to the bathroom. Under the shower, unclear flashes on my experience with Ted the previous night kept coming up. I decided never to talk about it like nothing ever happened but to be real, I was dismayed and pained by Ted's actions.

I quickly got ready for school. I had already woken up late and had no time to waste. Mostly my outfit depicted my mood. I couldn't spend so much time to look good when I had no inner urge, but this time I was too broken and if I looked dull, it was going to be realized by all. I picked out a pair of blue denim jeans with some brown shades. It had a complex design that emanated boldness. I topped it up with a white long sleeved aloha printed shirt which only got to my waist level. It was a bit sunny outside so I smeared only a little glow butter on my skin to make me stand out under the sun. I put on two blue black wrist beads and a black leather watch. I felt extremely good and comfortable. I finished up with my Versace bright crystal perfume.

Messily, I shoved some learning materials into my huge black shoulder bag. I picked my half done assignment from my study table and stared at it quietly "I really have to get to my old ways." I said to myself as I carefully put the stack of printed slides into my bag. I lazily fetched my platform sandals from the rack and slipped my feet into them. I did a little rotation before the mirror and giggled softly.

I passed by Ted's room and he was still asleep on his back with his legs spread out and palms under his head. It was almost 9am and I was wondering why he was still asleep out of the usual. He moved a little to his side, opening his eyes slowly. I would've been too embarrassed if I was caught staring at him. I walked quickly out and slammed the door behind me. I bet that made him think I'm extremely angry at him and I liked that effect.

There was a long wait before my cab to school finally arrived. I had started to regret snubbing the car my sister, Atesli wanted to get me. I knew I was only going to lose my legs or even end my life with it. I was too scared to be on the road but now it was all coming back to me.

In the cab, I took out my phone. Oh it was fully charged, I guess Ted charged it. I realized I had had some missed calls from Jaime and three from Suzzy last night. I tried getting to Suzzy but she declined the call. Almost immediately, I received a message from her. "See you in the cafeteria near the tree shelter at 11." I took a deep breath and replied "cool".
Next, I didn't know whether to call Jaime or not. At that point, I would've froze to death if he didn't manage to pick my call or left my message on seen so I decided not to call or text atall.

That morning lecture really helped. It was an advanced mathematics class and I just had to get my mind busy trying to figure solutions to the complex equations projected so there was no space to ponder over my personal drama. My talkative friend, Leo , who happened to sit next to me also just won't shut up. He was an unapologetic slut and since he knew I was into guys too, he got too comfortable and just won't keep mute about his lifestyle. In the midst of all that, I managed to pay attention and participate. I really loved mathematics because I didn't have to sit for hours listening to boring speeches and illustrations from a bald headed lecturer. The time went by quickly as the class kept comparing answers and deriving new approaches to reach the final solution and soon the class was over.

I walked out of the class with Leo. "Taking left to meet my sneaky link... where's your next route?" Leo asked with a resting face. I stared at him, holding in my laughter. "Don't tell me it's a different person." I warned. Leo munched on the gum in his mouth, giving me a doubtful look. "No judging." He cautioned as he made his way under the extended slabs to avoid the sun.

I checked the time from the leather watch on my wrist and it was 11:03. I rushed to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, my eyes roamed on a pursuit to find Suzzy but she was out of sight. "Well, looks like she's not here yet but I'm sure she'll be here soon." I thought to myself. I majestically made my way to the counter and got myself some chips, cookies and fine yoghurt drink. I moved over to find a seat across the entrance so I could spot Suzzy immediately she enters. "Hii" I extended to a group of girls adjacent who seemed to have been admiring my outfit. "Hello!" They responded, trying to mind their business.

I briskly took out my iPad from my bag and set up to watch my favorite series, "The Wheel of Time", occasionally raising my head to catch a glimpse of Suzzy.
Not long after, before I realized, Suzzy stood right before me,  holding a plastic cup of smoothie, gently pushing back the seat to sit. She was in a long empire dress that touched her ankles. Her long black her settled behind her and her skin glowed perfectly. She wore a worried look and I knew something was wrong.

Suzzy gently dropped her cup of smoothie on the table as she leaned towards me as if wanting to tell me a secret.
"Mr. Moore passed by my place last night." She disclosed. "He sought after you with rage and worry, he didn't look calm at all." She added. I was starting to get scared. What could possibly be going on. I gulped out of nervousness. "Give me the details, Suzzy." I requested. Suzzy sighed.

"I was nearly asleep when I heard a deep voice repeatedly shout 'Grandee, Grandee'. I got a bit nervous when I instantly figured whose voice it was. I walked to the door and peeped through the peep hole and it was Mr. Moore. I opened the door slowly and allowed him in, convincing him to calm down and tell me what had happened. He said he had lost track of you and that he vaguely saw a man carry you in his arms into his car but he wasn't so sure it was you so he quit tracking and passed by to check whether you're home... and safe. I asked him to describe the car and I figured out it was Ted's so I told him to calm down , you're safe. Mr. Moore went further to enquire who the guy was and I bluntly answered 'his roommate'. Mr. Moore looked so confused and gave me a suspicious look, making it look like I was covering up something for you."

Suzzy gave a long pause before adding; "you really have some explanation to do."
"Oh explanation, he can do better there!" I let out angrily, remembering his actions the previous night.

"Grandee tell me. What happened?" Engrossed in the conversation, Suzzy asked.
Hesitantly, I narrated all and all to Suzzy, a period within which she gasped thousand times.
We both tried to find meanings to all that had transpired.

A beeping sound interrupted our debate but it stopped almost immediately.

Jaime was trying to call.
"Call him back." Suzzy suggested.

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