dream boy ||chaeryoung.taehyun

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(so, i got a job

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(so, i got a job... guys if you have social anxiety don't work in retail. or in customer service in general. literally i couldn't—i still can't. going to work was and still is torture tbh. but at least i have some coins now, so that's good...even tho it's accompanied by mental exhaustion but we're working on it lol:))

(anyways, here's something i meant to post like.. last year 😭 i'm happy i took that creative writing class—i feel like i'm making at least some progress hehe))


"thanks taehyun," chaeryoung said as they packed up their things, "really."

the library was closing soon and other students were beginning to go home. today was one on of her sessions with her tutor, kang taehyun, one of the smartest in their class who was doing it for extra credit. but still, he was supposed to help her with english only, not math.

"no problem," he replied with a dashing smile, "i'm a genius—don't hesitate to ask for my help if it means you won't get held back a year."

she ignored his word choice this time.

"you're a good friend," she said, taking one of his hands and giving it a tight squeeze. she was grateful and was hoping he meant that. to her, he feels like an angel pulling her up from the horrifying depths of failing grades. her mind ran with ways to pay him back. "i'm gonna make it up to you."

friend. that was the only thing he caught out of her mouth. but he resisted the urge to frown.

he does not have a crush on her—not ever since they sat next to each other in class and got closer than expected.

going their separate ways, he wished he could just knock the sense into her and get it through her head.

okay fine. he has a crush on her.


chaeryoung got changed into her pajamas after taking a quick shower and brushing her teeth, flopping onto her bed with a sigh.

she's really lucky to have taehyun. that was her last thought as she fell asleep.


"hey, chae," he smiled, sitting in front of her. they were at a cafe—the one she goes to regularily—and she realized that there was strawberry shortcake on the table. "i brought you cake—even though you said you didn't want any because i knew you'd try and eat mine instead."

that's so sweet, she thought as they ate. the strawberry shortcake was a bright blue, but she could tell it was strawberry. for some reason, this felt normal. like she would always come here with her boyfriend and eat blue strawberry cake.

that being said, there were apples hanging from the ceiling and the barista behind the counter was ryujin—didn't she work at the convenience store?

his face was blurry, but in the moment, she didn't notice. soft sunlight filtered through the windows and quiet music played as she listened to him talk—about life and school. after a while, she realized that his voice was familiar. and that it was soothing and lovely.

"how are your test scores so far?" he asked, taking a sip of his caramel macchiato. huh, she thought. caramel macchiatos and school. what was this? why talk about school?

"i don't know," she replied, "they're coming next week—and unlike you, i'm not confident that i passed with a hundred percent."


the outline of his face became clear and when it did, everything made sense. except that for some odd reason, her heart beat quicker than usual.

taehyun flashed her a smug smile.

"if you're studying with me, you can be."

~reality slap away

"get up!" her older sister yelled. "you're going to be late!"

still stunned by her dream that, by some chance, she remembered (she forgets them most of the time), she got up to get ready. as she did so, she noted one thing:

chaeryoung is very single. she, indeed, has no boyfriend. that was a weird dream, she thought as she ate her breakfast after getting ready. her head was in the clouds now.

when she got to school—a little early actually—walking into the classroom, she saw taehyun in his seat. this was normal. he usually was early.

she opted to standing outside in the hallway, debating on whether she should just go in or not until ryujin noticed her.

"what are you doing?" she asked, "why aren't you going inside?"

chaeryoung told her about her dream, waiting for her reaction.

"...so you dreamed that he was your boyfriend and now you have a...crush on him?"

"don't say that!" she exclaimed, heat rising to her face as her eyes darted to see if anyone was listening. "it's so weird right? He's just more... attractive.."

"who's more attractive?"

she yelped in surprise at the familiar voice which in turn surprised him as well. wondering what the commotion was about—and noticing she had gotten there already—he came over.

it's like someone poured ice cold water on her head. bouncing back (if it should even be called that), she cued some intense and too loud to be normal nervous laughter.

"no one," she managed to say, followed by some more laughing as she avoided his eyes.

they both looked at her like she was weird—as did the few others who were there as well.

"chaeryoung had a dream about going on a date with someone and now she has a crush on him," ryujin said, earning a fierce glare from chaeryoung who resisted the urge to stomp on her foot.

"really?" he asked, thinking about it: is that even possible and more importantly, who is it?? "who is it?"

his heart did a pirouette on the dance floor of his chest from anticipation and hope.

"oh! uhh, eh—" chaeryoung panicked, sputtering for an answer, "he's in another class...?"

she looked to ryujin for something—anything! all she did was shrug in response that said with indifference 'can't help you there.'

"...why is that a question?"

like some savior, mr. min began class and everyone's attention was averted to him. taehyun reluctantly left to go to his seat, confused and conflicted at the same time. was it not him after all?

(i have pride pt 3 in my drafts btw and its been there for a while 😭 so ill post that one after editing it.)

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