fairest || yuna.hueningkai

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snow white au

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snow white au

(well. it's along the lines of show white.)

((and i took catallena from the orange caramel song haha)

warnings: mention of cutting out hearts


"kill kai snow," the queen said with a powerful voice that dared for anyone to speak without permission. "and bring me his heart. do you understand that, lady yuna shin, knight of catallena?"

"yes, my queen," she replied, kneeling before the throne, with her cloak around her shoulders and sword strapped to her hip. everyone knew who she was—the youngest of the elite knights to become a part of the balevient circle, where only the most powerful gathered. her accomplishments afterwards were even more notable, and she rightfully proved herself to the people. they knew she was powerful...

and ruthless towards her enemies. there was fear along with the respect.

the crowd parted when she left the castle, watching her mount her horse and set off into the woods to find him. they hoped she wouldn't, but they knew that she probably was.

prince kai snow, heir to the throne and the fairest in the land. it was no secret. the queen despised her step son because of his beauty that, as he got older, began to outshine hers.

yuna didn't want to. she really didn't. he was nothing but kind and sweet.

she snatched the loaf of bread as secretly as she could from the vendor's store.

but she wasn't sly enough.


she took off, pushing through the crowds. yuna wasn't strong back then. he caught her and spit in her face, taking the bread. ever since the orphanage closed down a couple months back, this was how she had been living—surviving.

there she was, hunched over on the sidewalk, abandoned and uncared for. it was proven when they all passed her on the streets, paying no attention to her. because she was only one of many. the current king, kai's father, was working on rebuilding the kingdom that his older brother had let fall.

but someone did see her, weaving through the crowd after watching what had happened. a boy her age handed her a beautifully wrapped sandwich that he had taken from his own lunch.

"here," he said, putting it in her hands. "eat."

he must've been in a hurry because he quickly turned to look behind him, back at the place where he was supposed to be.

"it won't be this way for longer."

placing a small kiss to her dust stained cheek, he ran off, leaving yuna to wonder if she was dreaming. she realized she wasn't as she ate the best meal she had ever eaten. tears that she wished weren't there fell down her face as she gazed at where he was, even though he wasn't there anymore. he had just saved her life—another day without food and she might've starved to death.

the boy kept true to his word, and she learned later that he was kai snow, the first prince of catallena.


although she had earned a high rank, she felt like she was too less to talk to him. she only watched him from afar, just like many others.

in a way, he was a light in this dark kingdom. ever since the king died and the queen took control, nothing was focused on its inhabitants—everything revolved around her. rapidly, the kingdom was reverting back to its old days.

she set off into the forest with a heavy heart, knowing that if she came back with nothing, she would be killed.

from what the queen's handmaiden told her, kai had fallen into a deep sleep due to the spell that the queen had cast on him before he escaped from the castle. the spell was the kind to work slowly, taking him over little by little; so he must've gotten far, she predicted, if he had been able to keep running. him being in a deep sleep, though, didn't satisfy the queen. or so they were convinced.

that was why yuna was sent to finish the job. the queen asked the mirror if he was still alive and almost shattered it when it replied yes. he laid on a bed of wildflowers signifying that he was still in the woods.

yuna searched and searched, but found nothing. when she about to give up, her eyes caught a piece of dark blue fabric on a branch. and she realized that there were signs of someone walking through here. following the footprints and broken branches, she stopped.

in front of her was the ''banished," where the worst of their world was put. the trail led into it, and with a deep breath, she went, her hand ready to pull out her sword. it was no different than the usual forests, but there was a thin blue film-like barrier that only those who didn't have the "red brand," the mark given to those who were banished, could walk through.

being strong didn't mean she didn't feel fear—she just suppressed it like she had always done up to this point in her life. with each step, she willed herself to calm down as her mind raced with the potential threats.

eventually and miraculously, she spotted him, in the center of a small patch in the forest where there were no trees.

to say he was beautiful was an understatement. he really was the fairest in the land, she thought, watching his angelic, peaceful expression.

looking around, she checked if anyone was there; when she realized she was alone, she lifted the glass that was over him and set it to the side.

the sharp dagger she kept in her boot was in her hands.

it hovered over his chest. reluctant.

but she raised it up, her hands trembling as she gripped the handle.

she slammed it down.

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