sailor who? || ryujin.beomgyu

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(A/n: I was looking through my old stuff and realized I never shared one my fav writings 💔So here it is :D)

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(A/n: I was looking through my old stuff and realized I never shared one my fav writings 💔
So here it is :D)

Choi Beomgyu woke up to his alarm. It's playing with fire—telling yourself after hitting the snooze button that you can have a few minutes. Because then a "few minutes" turn out to be thirty. And if Yeonjun hadn't called him to ask if he was almost there, he wouldn't have gotten up in the first place.

He rushed out the door with his hair stuck up in various places, a bit of toothpaste at the corner of his mouth, and eyes that were a tad too crusty and rusty to open all the way. This sucks, he thought as he dodged through the people on the sidewalks who stared as he whizzed past.

You would think it was the morning, but it wasn't. To be specific, it was six in the afternoon—he couldn't sleep at all last night. And there was no use in worrying about how he should be so he opted for watching tv.
But he had a mixer he promised to go to. This occupied his mind as he went through the consequences that might come.

He was crossing the street at the intersection. There was no cars, he would've said—which was what he thought he saw. He could've sworn there weren't as he ran out onto the road.

It happened then. A force tackled him out of the way, sending them tumbling in a tangle of limbs onto the pavement.

Beomgyu found himself to have fallen into something soft and warm—his cheek was pressed against skin, he realized as he lifted his head. Their faces were mere inches apart.

The truck kept going, which she found strange. She'd like to find and strangle whoever it was to death.

Bright yellow bangs (very obviously a wig, he noted) had been blown out of her forehead from the impact, and the rest of it was done in a weird hairstyle. It didn't take very long for him to realize it, especially when he got a full look at what she was wearing. Black sweatpants were worn under the royal blue skirt, and a hoodie over the sailor collar. His heart was beating like hummingbird wings.

He shot up, face heating with embarrassment despite wondering why she was cosplaying in the middle of winter.

"I-uh," he stammered, searching for something—anything!

She sat up, and he realized that he was still sitting on her lap. His face turned impossibly redder.

"Sorry," he said, standing up and offering her hand. She stared at him with narrowed eyes but took his hand.

"What are you thinking—going out into the street like that!" She exclaimed, "What if you got hit?"

He couldn't help but note the way she talked to him—like they knew each other and weren't total strangers.
The butterflies he had felt a moment ago subsided.

"The sign said it was free to walk!" Indignant, he glowered down at her despite what had occurred.

"No it didn't!"

She looked very sure of herself... he knew that he was probably in the wrong, but refused to give in.

"Whatever," he dismissed, "I know I saw the walk sign."

Sighing, she picked up her phone that had fallen out of her pocket. There was a scratch on the screen, but no cracks.

"Well, just be careful next time."

Turning, she began walking away, a yellow bun coming loose and sloping down her head. That wig really was a bad one.

"Wait! what's your name?" He called after her.

She scoffed at his ignorance, glancing over her shoulder.

"Sailor Moon."

"What the—" he thought about going after her before catching the time on his phone.

Now he was really in for it this time.


"Hey," he greeted, approaching already full booth in the restaurant and getting to the empty spot reserved for him next to Yeonjun. "Sorry I'm late—something happened."

Soobin gestured him to wipe his mouth—which he grudgingly did (he missed it but he didn't realize).

Yoohi, a girl in her freshman year of college, began talking to the whole table about her family vacation to Germany when Yeonjun leaned to whisper in Beomgyu's ear.

"What's up with you?"

"I almost got hit by a car," he replied, taking a sip of Yeonjun's coke. Said boy frowned in response, wiping the toothpaste of the side of his mouth before anyone could notice. A girl, Miri, asked Beomgyu a question before he could say anything.

Beomgyu answered some questions about himself, but usually fell silent afterwards. There was a detached sort of look on his face—one that Yeonjun resisted the urge to slap it off. If he wasn't going to try and find a girlfriend, there was no point in setting this up.

In truth, Yeonjun already had someone in mind—someone his heart was set on, although they weren't per say "official" yet (she was sitting across the table from him). And Soobin.. he was here half out of courtesy and Yeonjun bribing him with free lunch.

Yeonjun ended up carrying most of the conversation. Soobin helped (bless his sweet heart), but by the end of the night he was awfully tired. They all exchanged numbers, and Soobin seemed to click with one of the girls—Lia, was her name. At least there was that.
But as soon as the three of them were alone—

"What do you mean by you 'almost got hit by a car??" Yeonjun exclaimed in disbelief. "Aren't you looking both ways?"

"I was!" He replied, "But someone pushed me out of the way."

When he thought of her, he could feel the beat of his heart speeding up again. It must've been the near death experience.

"Who was it?" Soobin asked as they walked.

"I don't... it was Sailor Moon."

They looked at him like they were wondering whether he hit his head or not.

"Ugh! You don't understand!"

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