nap of a star || ryujin.beomgyu

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ship battle thing au

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ship battle thing au

(watched the last star wars movie while writing hah. also, sorry if inaccurate (i don't know much about this but wanted to write it anyway.))


ryujin caught a glimpse of herself in one of the many dust clouded puddles. to say she looked horrible was an understatement. the dust from the fallen buildings caked onto her face and she saw and felt the warm streak of blood flowing from the gash on her forehead. the fighting continued above, in the air—bright sparks of shots being fired. taking cover under a part of a building that still stood, she tried to gather the strength.

the strength to get up.

she had gotten away from her ship in time to avoid being set on fire, a shot taking one of her wings.

they needed her. she knew that. but even so, it wasn't enough. looking down, she realized her leg was twisted in an abnormal way. she didn't feel it until seeing it.

the chatter from her headpiece was replaced with incoherent static—it was flung away from her in frustration.

she watched a ship fall from the sky and crash into the rubble, recognizing the decorative streaks of blue.

yeji. it was yeji's.

her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest. was that her screaming? too many things were happening at once as another ship was shot down.

if there was hope, it wasn't visible. she couldn't see it. for a moment, her mind drew blank.

but she bounced back quick, scanning her head for a plan. for anything. soon it came to her. it was a crapshoot—there was no telling if it would work, but it was worth a shot. a feeble attempt for help, but it was an attempt. taking out the radio that miraculously still worked:

"nap of a star."

she sent it out to anyone who was listening in their group. if he didn't hear, at least one of them had, and whoever it was would tell him—he had to remember what it meant. he just had to.

she felt him shuffle in bed next to her, tossing and turning. it woke her up and she turned to face him.

"can't sleep?"

her voice was as soft as it could get, kind and unbothered by the fact that he had just woken her up. he spoke what was on his mind without hesitation and she listened.

"i'm scared of losing you one day," he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. she heard it though, blinking her eyes a couple of times to see him better.

"that's so random," she said, reaching out to smooth out his mussed up strands of silver hair. "it's like you think of everything only when you're supposed to be asleep."

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