if the world was ending || lia.soobin

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end of the world thing au

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end of the world thing au

warning: falling buildings and sadness :(

(nothing happened i just feel like a depresso expresso inspiration thing going on lol. anyways, if you're looking for a pretty song, this is one.)


an earthquake shook the world. panic. fear. it filled the streets—and hearts.

five years. it's a long time, but it isn't forever. lia wasn't afraid. it's alright, she thought as she sat alone in her apartment, listening to the frantic shuffle outside her door. maybe it would open.

and maybe it would be him.

they ended a year ago. she was left in pieces, but as time passed, it got easier. it became easier to think about him without breaking all over again. she was okay. they weren't meant for each other, but he still and always would hold that place in her heart. it was his now, and there was no getting it back.

the news wasn't on. there wasn't any news anymore. no one was coming to save them. to save anyone.

but she watched the rain slide down the window glass, letting her thoughts wander to him. in truth, he was the only one she ever really had. lia figured she was replaceable to many, but to him—she knew she wasn't. that was what made them special.

even if he didn't want forever. she wondered what he was doing right now—she wondered what he was thinking. was he remembering her? she felt the ground under her shake. a glass cup fell and shattered on the ground; a piece of the ceiling broke off to her right, just missing her. there was a crack in her window now.

the building she could see across the street fell. there was fire. and screams. but there was nothing that could be done. she looked away.

by some chance, her apartment didn't cave in. it could be the way it was built, but for some reason, she felt like maybe she was meant to live for a little bit longer. why?

she looked at the framed picture she clutched in her hands. his familiar face. his smile. it brought her some warmth. in a way, he was all she had.

there was a deep crevice going down the middle of the road, like the earth was splitting into two. what was he doing right now? was he afraid?

people fell into the crack in the road and deciding that she couldn't watch anymore, she went to sit down on the couch. it was dusty with the broken plaster from the ceiling. looking around her, the living room was in shambles. her plants lay broken on the floor and her bookshelf tipped over. any moment now. any moment could be the last—she was only waiting for it. there was another round of shaking, and she could hear the sound of everything falling around her. she closed her eyes tight. bracing herself.

it still wasn't enough to finally bring down the building.

the sky is falling. so many were dead, but here she was, still alive amidst the rubble that used to be her apartment. there was another crack in the floor. she could easily fall through. pulling her knees to her chest, she rested her head in her arms.

if the world was ending, you'd come over right?

the door opened. she looked up. it was him. like a dream. a hallucination. a small teary smile made its way onto his face.

she realized it was real when he sat next on the couch, pulling her close and holding her tight. her head was buried in his chest, and she wrapped her arms around him. tears soaked through his shirt. of anywhere he could possibly be, he chose here. unlike her, he was irreplaceable to so many. but still.

he came over.

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