Dragon Sickness

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Marina POV

When I woke up, I was trapped in a warm prison. I wiggled a bit and the prison tightened and hummed. I smiled and snuggled closer to Thorin. "Good morning your majesty." I whispered. He smiled, eyes still closed. "Good morning." His voice low and husky. I smiled yo myself. I love his morning voice. His eyes slowly opened. "How is your side?" I moved a bit. "Its ok. Doesn't really hurt anymore." He smiled. "I can't believe you killed Smaug." I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his neck. "I...I can't either." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I need to go check on the progress of finding the Arkenstone." I looked at him. "Alright. Is it ok if I wander around Erebor?" He nodded as he got up. "Of course. Just don't go near the treasure room." I frowne . "Why no-" "Just don't!" He snapped. I stared at him. "Um...alright..." Thorin left, and I sat on the bed, hugging my knees to my chest. "Its taken him...." I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek. "I've lost my Thorin." I got up and got dressed. I walked down the hallways until I came to the famed treasure room. I started to turn around, then I heard Thorins voice. "Search. I want the Arkenstone found!! No one rests until it is found!" I bit my lip and walked in quietly. "Thorin?" I whispered. I need to get him back. Seeing him like this kills me. He turned around quickly, glared at me, and then turned back to watch the gold. "What are you doing here Marina? I thought I told you to stay away from here." I frowned. "Why do you want me to stay away from the gold?" He turned to me. "Because I do not want an ELF touching MY gold!!" He boomed. All of the company stopped and watched. Tears welled up in my eyes. "What did you just call me?" He smiled evilly. "I do not want your dirty halfbreed fingers touching my gold!" I had had enough. I ran down the stairs, Thorin hot on my heels. I made it to the gold and picked up handfuls. "So this is what you think of me?!" I yelled, throwing the gold. "You think I am no more than a dirty halfbreed?! Do you think I chose to half an elf for a mother and a dwarf for a father?!? No, if I could choose now I would choose to be an elf maybe that would save me from the stubbornness, greed and rudeness of dwarves!!" All of a sudden a force slammed into my jaw and I fell down with a cry. Thorin hit me. He punched me to be exact. "Dwalin! Take her to the dungeons. Do not let her go." Thorin boomed. Dwalin came forward reluctantly and helped me up by the arm. "Your better than this Thorin." I whispered, wiping the tears away. "Dwalin take her away!" He boomed. Dwalin led me away. As soon as we were out of earshot Dwalin spoke. "Im truly sorry lassy. I don't want to do this." I tried to smile but that's hard to do with a broken heart and a now black cheek. "Dont worry about it. I'll figure out a way to escape." He smiled. "Do ye want somethin for ye cheek? Its looking nasty." I shook my head. "The pain in my cheek isn't nearly as bad as the pain in my heart."

Dwalin put a hand on my shoulder and I looked away. "If ye need anythin, just holler. We're all on your side lassy." I nodded and he left. As soon as he was gone I broke down in tears. The entire right side of my face was bruised. Thorin is taken by the Dragon Sickness. But I will not let him be taken for long. I looked around the cell for any means of escape. I didn't find any. I was getting tired. I fell into an uneasy sleep, my mind clogged with scenes of battle and Kili, Thorin and Fili lying dead on the ground. I woke with a cry, and looked around. I blinked several times to get rid of the bloody images. I remembered I kept a series of daggers on my person and I pulled one out and started trying to pick the lock. About an hour and three knives later, the lock opened. I pushed my door open and snuck out.I was deep in Erebor. I walked for ages, ducking into various hallways to avoid being seen. I saw Dwalin coming down the hallway I was in. I didn't hide this time. He noticed me in the corner and winked. I smiled as best I could, but my cheek hurt really bad. Almost three hours later I made it to the gate. I hid in the shadows and watched. All I heard was Thorin's growl; "I will have war." Oh no.

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