The Company

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With a great deal of trouble I finally found Bag End, and saw the mark Gandalf had talked about on the door. I timidly walked up to the door, a bit afraid I must say, because I heard loud laughter coming from inside. My hand went up to my ears and I could feel that my charm necklace was working. There were no points on them. I quietly knocked on the door, but no one came. I knocked louder, and I heard footsteps coming my way and then the door opened. The halfing was at the door, looking up at me in confusion. A dwarf came behind him, he had unruly black hair and just scruff for a beard, I have to say, he was quite good looking. The halfling was still staring. "Who are you?" The dwarf said. I fumbled for words. "I um... Are you mister Baggins?" The halfling nodded. "I... Well.... Gandalf called for me to... Be here.... But it seems I may have been mistaken.... I'm terribly sorry to have bothered you." I turned to leave but I heard Gandalfs voice, "Leaving so soon Marina?" I smiled and turned to run and hug him. I dropped my weapons to the floor (Twin short swords, bow and quiver) and ran for him. He laughed and embraced me as I hugged his legs (what can I say? I'm short!) I laughed gaily. "Gandalf its been too long!" I cried. Then I became aware that I had an audience of 12 dwarves who looked at me quizzically. I unconsciously backed into Gandalfs robes. He noticed my apprehension and immediately introduced me to the company. "Everyone, this is Marina, she will be joining us on our quest." The dwarves were silent for a moment, then broke into cheers of welcome, which quickly died out as a heavy pounding was heard on the door. I was instantly afraid again. "He is here." Gandalf said, and went and opened the door. I gasped when I saw the person behind the door. He was breathtaking. Black hair, piercing blue eyes... That... Were looking at me. Crap. "Who is this?!" He rumbled. I found courage and stood up tall, even tho he was at least 6 inches taller than me. "Thorin, this is Marina. She will be joining us on our quest." Gandalf explained. Thorin looked at me again. He was beautiful. "No." His deep, sexy voice boomed. No???? He has to be kidding. I had to prove myself. Before anyone could blink, I had a dagger to the black haired dwarves throat. " I will not be a burden to you." I said lowly. The dwarf in my arms froze instantly as he felt my blade against his throat. I let him go as soon as I saw the somewhat shocked expression on Thorin's face. The black haired dwarf looked at me astounded. "You moved so fast! I like you already! My name is Kili. At your service." And with that he bowed. A blonde dwarf came up beside Kili. "And I am Fili. At your service." As if on cue, after Fili and Kili who I later found out to be brothers, had introduced themselves, the rest of the company did as well. Thorin looked at me. "If you betray us..." "I won't, I cut him off. "You have no need to fear that I will be a burden, as you just witnessed, I am skilled with weapons." Thorin nodded. "I do not approve of women doing men's work, but since you so easily surprised my nephew, the fastest in the company, you deserve a try." I had my dagger to the throat of a prince?????? Damn.

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