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Marina POV

When I woke up, I was in a large room in a soft bed. I looked around and made myself sit up. "Well, glad you decided to join the land of the living." I looked towards the voice. "Gandalf! You and the company made it!" He nodded. "How long have I been out?" He shrugged. "Two days." I gasped. "Two days?!" Gandalf laughed. "No need to fret. They haven't left yet. Hes been by your side almost constantly ever since Elrond carried you in." I frowned. "He? Who?" Gandalf raised am eyebrow. "Thorin of course."

I stared at Gandalf. "Th-Thorin was worried about me??" He nodded. "Worried sick I dare say." I stared at him. "Gandalf but about when he finds out!!" "Finds out what?" "That I'm wearing a magical necklace to hide my elf ears! That I'm a half-breed!" Gandalf shrugged. "Thorin is unpredictable. I don't know what he will do." I felt a tear slip down my cheek. "He will cast me away, or kill me." Gandalf sighed. "I must go now child. Rest. You'll need it." And with that he left. I sat on my bed for a while. I heard a soft knock on my door. "Enter." I said. The door creaked open. It was Kili. "Oh.. I didn't know you were awake. Thorin sent me to check on you." I smiled softly. "Why?" Kili raised an eyebrow. "Beeeeeecaaaaaause he cares?" I chuckled humorlessly. "He won't when he find out." Kili looked confused and came and sat by me. "Finds... Out....what?" He asked slowly. I looked at him, my eyes pleading. "Im going to show you something, but you cannot say anything to anyone. Please." He nodded. "I promise." I took a deep breath and unclasped my necklace. I pulled it away from my skin. Kili raised an eyebrow. "Your going to show me your necklace?" I sighed and pulled my hair away from my ears. Kili's eyes went wide and he gasped. "You-Your-an-el-elf??" He exclaimed. I felt tears building up. "Half elf. I'm half elf and half dwarf. I'm a half-breed, a mutant." Kili gasped again. "And the necklace makes it look like your a purebred dwarf?" I nodded. "Please don't say anything to Thorin!! I had to tell someone and your the only one I trust!! Please Kili!!!" The tears started to fall. Kili grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me square in the eyes. "I swear in the name of Durin Marina, that I will never tell." I tried to smile, but I couldn't. "Here," he said, gently taking my necklace out of my hands. "Let me. Turn around." He fastened my necklace. He watched in amazement as my pointed eaes shrunk to normal ones. "I always wondered why you didn't have a beard." He stated. I mock gasped and hit him in the arm. He laughed. "Do it doesnt bother you?" I asked. He shrugged. "I've always liked elves. So why would your ears bother me, short one?" My eyes widened and I punched him in the stomach. He doubled over, coughing. "What was that for?!" I laughed. "I may be short, but I'm not weak. Now shoo I need to get dresses for dinner." He laughed and left. "As you wish my lady." He said with a dramatic bow at the door. I threw a pillow at him and he closed the door laughing. As soon as the door closed I sighed and laughed. It was good to finally be able to tell someone. I got up, and went to the wardrobe. There were sevral dresses inside. I looks at the first one, it was light blue with silver beading, no. Second one, scarlett with a black sash, no. Third, purple with silver sequins studding the bodice. Yes. Ohhhh yes. I quickly put it on. I looked at my self in the mirror and smiled. It had been a while since I wore a dress. Some elf maid's came into my room to do my hair. They braided it with silver ribbon, then put it into a bun. I looked in the mirror. I looked beautiful. I thanked the maid's, and started making my way down to dinner. As soon as I entered the room, all eyes were on me. I laughed. "Some of you are going to catch flies with your mouths open like that!" They laughed and dinner resumed. I still felt someones eyes on me I shook it off and went back to eating. The eyes watched me all through dinner.

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