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Thorin POV

I held onto Marina as we fell over a small waterfall. Pur barrel was temporarily submerged and we came back up to the surface. She was holding onto me tightly as she sputtered and gasped for breath. I held onto her tighter to let her know I was there. We came in sight of the rivergate, and I felt a surge of victory. That surge was soon drowned out by the sound of an elvish horn. The elves at the gate ran and close the gate. No! They prepared for a fight and I balled my fist. One of the elves was shot in the back and he fell forward. What in Durins name in going....... Ahh. Orcs. Lovely. We were being attacked, while in barrels.... And weaponless..... Great. An Orc jumped at me and I punched it. Marina looked around in shock, but didn't do anything. I didn't blame her either. She is still in a state of shock. The next few moments went by in a blur, I heard a pained cry, Fili cry out Kili's name, and then that prince and the red haired elf swept in along with several other elves. Then the gate opened. We fell over the waterfall. Orcs were firing arrows at us, and we ducked inside of our barrels. We killed any Orc that was stupid enough to jump into the river to try and kill us. We took their weapons and it wasn't long before everyone in the company had a weapon of some sort. We floated down the river for a while, and we fell down another waterfall and lost the Orcs. When we made it to calm waters, versus the rapids we were in before, I realized that I was alone in my barrel. Terror struck me to my core. "Marina!!!!!!" I yelled fearfully. We made it to the bank and we all climbed out of our barrels. I found myself holding Marinas jacket in one hand and looking around in horror. Kili managed to stumble up the bank. He had been shot with an arrow in the leg. He saw the jacket in my hands and his eyes widened. "Where is she uncle?!?!? Marina!!!!!!!" He yelled. I shook my head in horror. "I don't know where she is. I... I lost her."

"Here!!" Ori cried. "Shes in the river!!" I bolted to the bank and saw her limp body floating down the river. I waded quickly to the middle of the river and grabbed her and waded back. She wasn't breathing. I looked down at her in horror. Then an idea struck me. I put my hands on her chest and pushed down hard. "What are you doing??" Fili exclaimed. "I'm" -push- "making" -push- "Her" -push- "Heart" -push- "Beat!" As I finished saying that her eyes flew open and she started to cough up water. I gently turned her onto her side and rubbed her back. I have never felt so relieved. The company gasped in shock and stared. "He... He brought you back from the dead!!" Kili exclaimed in shock. I looked down at her gently. Her eyes were wide as she registered her surroundings. "What...happened?" She asked hoarsely. I felt relieved. Those were the first words she has spoken out loud since... Well.... You know.

"You were knocked out of Thorin's barrel, dearie. Are you hurt?" Balin asked. Marina looked down at the ground. "In the way you ask, no. I'm not." I sighed and helped her stand up. She was a little shaky on her feet, but she didn't let the others see. I gently wrapped my arms around her waist. Suddenly we saw a man with an arrow pointed at Ori. Dwalin jumped in front of Ori with a staff, and the man shot it. The man turned around and shot the rock out of Kilis hand (he was going to throw it at the man) and the man quickly had an arrow trained on me. Marina huddled into my side and I held her tighter. The man pulled his string back farther. "Do it again, and your dead."

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