Chapter 1: There Goes My University Life!

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"Fuck, I'm going to be late!!!"

I began cursing at myself as I hurriedly got myself ready for my second year of university.

After I had finished taking a shower and furiously brushing my teeth, I forced my clothes on and ran out of my room, nearly tripping over my jock roommate who had passed out in the living room due to another night of partying with his friends.

I quickly packed my bag with my notebooks, and ran out of my apartment door, only to remember had I forgotten my wallet and ID card. I cursed even more and ran back inside my apartment and, to my luck, quickly found both items on my desk in my room.

This time, unfortunately, I woke my roommate up. He was a heavy sleeper, but I guess anyone would wake up from the racket I was causing.

"What's the big rush, dude?" He yawned as he rolled over on the couch, almost collapsing onto the floor as half of his body was literally hanging off the couch.

His sense of balance must be insane. Makes sense considering he's an athlete.

"I'm going to be late," I replied as I fought back the urge to plant a stack of books on the side of his body that was hanging in the air. For science of course.

"Another all-nighter?"

"I should be the one asking you that!" I answered as I slammed the door behind me.

I ran past the elevator that broke mysteriously one day and down the usual tight flight of stairs.

"I slept early though. I don't understand this at all." I whispered to myself as I made my way through the apartment lobby that was filled with the smell of vacuum and window cleaners.

I ran out of the apartment and avoided innocent civilians as I raced my way past them as fast as my long skinny legs could. I sprinted down the road towards my university and thanked my parents for making me take track and field when I was in my early teens. I might not have been able to survive the stress I was putting on my lungs and legs if it weren't for those years of track and field.

Yes, I was THAT behind on the time I usually wake up.

While the wind styled my black hair back, I noticed that the sky was clear and blue, but I couldn't stay focused on the sky or else I'd be late for school... and also because I nearly ran into a pregnant lady while looking upwards.

"S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I frantically apologized to the pregnant lady and her husband as he was the one who caught me before I could crash into his wife. The wife was surprisingly calm about the whole incident, while the husband was understandably cross with me.

I'm sorry dude, but please, I don't want to be late on the first day of my second year.

After a lengthy lecture on being more aware of my surroundings, I could finally see the gates of my university from a stone's throw away. All I had to do was cross an intersection. Easy peasy.

I checked my phone for the time.

7:50 AM... Alright, all I have to do is wait for this traffic to clear in front of me and I'll make it in time!

I stood on the edge of the road, eagerly waiting for the train of cars to finally disappear when suddenly, I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Good morning, Rin! Let's hurry up!"

I turned around and my heart started pounding even harder than it already was, and I nearly collapsed from the sight of her and my tired lungs.

It was the beauty of my class, Lisa.

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