Chapter 6.5

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"Ahh, this is the life," Roy says as he dips his muscular body into the steaming water.

After Luna finished checking up on Roy, although she wasn't as gentle as she was with me, Roy invited me to join him in the hot baths in the palace. I gladly agreed as I was drenched with, and most likely stank of sweat.

The palace's baths were, to be expected, grand and large. After being given towels by an Elf maid, Roy and I eagerly entered the baths.

"Jeez, even the baths are made of marble." I sigh as I dip my foot in the bath to check the temperature.

"They don't call Eskal the nation of marble for nothing."

"You're not wrong about that, I'm pretty sure all the houses in the nation are made of marble," I say as I finally dip my entire body into the bath.

The feeling of dipping my body into the giant bath was much better than the experience of the bathtub in my room. I nearly fell asleep instantly as the warm water tended the soreness of my body. Roy and I sigh as we both relax in the bath.

"Oh? You two are in here too?"

Roy and I quickly turn around to find the great muscular king of Eskal...completely naked.

"S-ir! You should put on a towel!" Roy says as he quickly stands up and bows.

"Huh? Where would be the fun in that?" The king laughs as he literally cannonballs into the bath.

Are kings really like this?

The king disappears into a blob under the water, and after a couple of seconds of staying still, the blob suddenly swims at a surprisingly fast pace towards Roy. The king appears behind Roy with a smirk on his face and a hand on Roy's towel.

Surely not...

"Away she goes!" The king yells as he pulls Roy's towel off.

You're kidding me...

Roy, red in the face, swiftly turns around and grabs the king's wrist. The king's eyes light up as in one swift motion, he wraps Roy over his shoulders and throws him into the bath.

"Come on, knight! Is that the best you can do?"

"'ll pay for that!"

Roy charges his muscular body and grapples with the king. Those two begin wrestling each other, while butt naked, in the bath. Flips, trips, and chokeholds were all used in the bath as my relaxing scenery was ruined by the sight of two naked muscular men tossing each other around.

I wonder how many girls would pay to be in my situation.

I sigh as I grab Roy's towel out of the pool and head toward the exit.

Needless to say, the king might have acquired a new best friend in Roy, since both of them were shoulder to shoulder completely drunk during dinner. The queen and Isabel both stared at me with intense eyes.

I didn't do anything, and I'm not going to say anything. Please stop giving me those looks.

* * *

Today was the final day of our stay in Eskal, and we would be heading to Centria, which was in the direct center of Spirinall. Centria was where the Summoner Games would be held, and Isabel wanted to sign up as early as possible as there was only a week left to prepare for the Summoner Games.

A full month has passed since I began intensive training with Roy and sparing with other adventurers and elves, meaning we had stayed just over two months in Eskal. My body was always incredibly sore every day, but the baths must've had some magic because I always felt like a newborn after a dip in the baths.

Yes, I have tried to sneak out of training and find places to take naps, but Roy would annoyingly always manage to find me no matter where I hid.

We faced off multiple party combos of mages, knights, archers, and other different forms of adventurers and Spirits during our stay. We won more than we lost, but that's mainly thanks to Roy's crazy strength and other people not expecting a Shielder to go on the offense.

Despite the fact that I would always be at a lower level than everyone else at the end of the day, I felt confident in myself. I was faster, stronger, smarter, and my body had gone from being a stick, to somewhat lean.

When I looked in the mirror one day, I almost couldn't recognize myself.

I had nearly mastered the shield's fire, but it took a lot of concentration and MP to keep the fire going for a long period of time.

On the other side of the party with Hilde, Liz, and Isabel, they had mastered some tactics from the old Elf to support Roy, and Isabel had learned a special move to use in battles. Although whenever I asked her about it, she would tell me to mind my own business.

"Alright, everyone! How's the equipment looking?" Isabel shouts from the front of the carriage with Liz joining her to hold onto the reins of the horses.

"It's all good! We're ready to depart!" Roy answers as he stuffs a sack of potions into a compartment.

I look back at Aquaria and the King and Queen of Eskal who decided to see us off with gifts from the castle, "Uhm, on behalf of Isabel, and everyone in my party including myself, I'd like to thank both of you for allowing us to stay in the palace."

The queen shakes her head with a smile, "It's our pleasure. Isabel is our daughter's best friend after all."

The king jumps onto the back of the carriage, "Roy! Make sure you come back and visit sometime! I've got some bars we still have to see! Ack-"

The king is immediately grabbed back by the queen who puts the king in a chokehold with a calm smile on her face.

Hey, the king is tapping out already, lady...

The carriage finally begins moving, and the sight of the royal family waving at us begins to shrink in the distance.

Soon enough, we leave the marble-filled city and out the marble walls. Although I've spent all this time in Eskal, I feel like I haven't been really to Eskal since I've done nothing but train.

I'd like to come back here as a tourist next time.

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