Chapter 3: Dungeon and Dragon!

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"Roy, charge towards the highest-level skeleton!" Isabel commands, "Liz, take care of the two smaller skeletons, and Hilde, support Roy by rendering that skeleton immobile!"

I watched in amazement and slight jealousy as Liz charged towards the group of skeletons and separates the two smaller skeletons by swiping at one with her spear and kicking the other, clearing a path towards the main giant skeleton. Hilde takes the opening and wraps his traps around the larger skeleton, tying it up effectively. Roy summons his sword, and snow begins floating out of the blade as he charges towards the tied-up skeleton and slices its head clean off.

The remaining two skeletons crumble as their leader disintegrates into green dust that seeps into my party member's bodies, leveling them up.

That's right, we're in a dungeon grinding out to gain some levels.

More specifically, we're at a level 10 dungeon on the 9th floor or 9th level.

The level of a dungeon depends on how many floors each dungeon has.

While my party members were leveling up at a steady pace with Roy already at level 20 while Hilde and Liz were both tied at level 19, I was still on level 7 since I hadn't really participated in any battles.

Instead of leveling up with my party members, I was in charge of collecting any dropped items.

I sighed dejectedly as I walked over to where the leader skeleton once was and checked for any dropped items. Some leftover EXP dust soaked into my body, but not enough to level me up.

"Nope, no drops here," I say as I check for any shiny items that might have been on the skeleton.

"I swear, you're a bad luck charm." Isabel sighs as she finds a set of stairs to reach the final floor.

"I'd say we're having pretty good luck so far, seeing that all the battles have been quick and easy," I say, trying to shed some positivity on this negative-filled girl.

"Yeah, do you also notice how you weren't needed in any of those battles?"

Ah, I dug my own grave there.

My party members head down the stairs with me following behind them. Although I wasn't getting any action battling, my gamer brain was overflowing with excitement from watching my party members battle out mobs.

The final floor of any dungeon was always a boss fight, I've heard stories from Roy about the boss fights he faced while I was out cold.

At first, I was surprised that they had gone to a lot of dungeons, but it soon quickly made sense when I found out that they only went to level 1 dungeon, meaning that it was literally a basement rather than a dungeon. Usually, the final floors were supposed to be brightly lit, but this dungeon's final floor was dark with purple torches dimly lighting up the room.


A loud growl fills the floor as my party members activate their weapons and huddle up together.

Isabel begins chanting a spell under her breath, and after a couple of words, she raises her fist and shoots up a red ball of light. The red ball of light explodes in the air and reveals a sight so terrifying, that my shield subconsciously activates on my arm.

Although the gamer side of me was excited with the thought of exploring dungeons with my party members, it wasn't all that excited when it came to facing a towering, terrifying dragon on its fours with large dark scales covering its entire body, and a tail so long it might as well be another monster.

The dragon's purple eyes squinted at the explosion and roared a roar that could never be described with words.

"Everyone, get ready!" Isabel commands.

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