Chapter 2.2

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When I open my eyes, I found myself and my party members in an open field facing another group of people.

One was a tall man with black undercut hair and black eyes. He was almost as tall as Roy but less muscular. He wore long pants and a V-neck shirt accompanied by a red scarf, and in his hands was a regular short sword.

Another was a beautiful Elf with blue eyes and long blonde hair. She wore white robes with flower designs and held a long golden staff with a diamond carved into the shape of a flower on top of it. I was only able to tell she was an Elf because of her Elf ears.

The final person I saw was another Elf with brunette hair and green eyes who wore a black tank top with a pair of green camo baggy jeans.

A party of three, but who's the summoner? It's probably the Elf with no weapons, right?

"Roy, charge that human with the scarf! Liz, support Roy from behind! Hilde, trap that Elf with the staff before she can cast any spells!"

As soon as Isabel gave those orders from behind us, my party members move in perfect harmony.

Roy and Liz charge with incredible speed towards the scarfed man who readies his blade while Hilde throws his chained bear traps towards the Elf with the staff.

I, in the meanwhile...had nothing to do!

As my party members attacked, the Elf in camo jeans smiled.

"Luna, summon tree golems to support Lev by attacking the lady in purple armor. Lev, put your training to use and focus purely on that knight in blue. Leo, you know what to do."

Hmm, Leo? There's one more? I don't see them.


I don't see them! Are they invisible?!

I summon my shield and widen my eyes.

I look around my surroundings as I look for any signs of movement. Since I couldn't feel any wind and we were in a grassy field, all I had to do was watch for any movements in the grass.

I stared intensely at the battle in front of me.

Roy was fighting the scarfed man who was surprisingly defending Roy's strikes with ease. Liz, on the other hand, is busy slicing and stabbing with her spear at a tall creature made out of wood. Hilde continues to throw his bear traps at the Elf, all of which are being deflected by another wooden creature identical to the one fighting Liz.

I wasn't focusing on them since I had picked up on what that Elf in camo jeans said and focus my eyes on the grass around the battlefield.

Did Isabel really not catch what that Elf said? She's been deadly quiet.

Then, I saw it.

From behind the battle, the grass parts ways as if someone was running across at a quick pace. I ready my shield as I try my best to follow the parting grass with my eyes.

Who is it going to go to? If I were invisible, I'd go for Roy.

I watch the parting grass circle my party members once and come to a stop behind Hilde.

They're going for Hilde!

Just as I was about to run behind Hilde, the invisible Spirit sprints past Hilde towards me. I regained my stance and focused on where I would directly be attacked from. The invisible Spirit was closing on me with great speed.

Come on then, I'm ready for you!

The grass parts ways past me without me being attacked.


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