Chapter 6.4

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I wake up one morning to birds chirping outside my window. I always woke up early back on Earth, but that was usually because I had an alarm going off every 30 minutes after the first on my phone. However, in this new world, I found myself waking up with some comfort every morning. Then again, it was probably my royalty class bed that instantly knocked me out whenever I lay on it at night time.

It had been well over a month of practicing and scrimming with other groups of two Spirits or adventurers. We were both making a steady pace with our levels, but since we gained levels at the same rate, I haven't caught up to Roy just yet. This meant that Roy was already at level 26, while I was at level 13.

I couldn't really complain, I was finally in the double digits. However, Roy with such a high level and incredibly crazy strength meant that we were put up with adventurers and Spirits on the same level as him.

In other words, I had an incredibly tough time.

I think back over the past few weeks, more importantly, the one match where I figured out a suitable style of battle for my shield.

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Roy and I had just lost a battle against two human adventurers who beat us by using their overwhelming speed around us. They quite literally ran us to the ground. I did try my best to defend Roy's blind spots as his shield, but no matter what I did, my defense was plowed through at least 90% of the time.

"Something needs to change." I sigh as I collapse onto a chair.

"I agree." Roy nods his head, "I don't mean to be cruel, but at the moment, your level is still too low to be a proper defense."

"Don't worry about it. You're not wrong after all."

I begin brainstorming for ideas on how I could defend myself better.

After a couple of minutes of brainstorming, I still had no answers. After all, how else is someone supposed to use a shield other than using it to defend strikes?

I stare around the building. The stage we were in was different from the one we first went into when we arrived in Eskal. This one was popular because it doubled as a restaurant. Since it was turning dark, there were more people than usual ready to stuff their stomachs with dinner.

It was honestly quite a genius idea. As a customer, you get great food with the great entertainment of Spirits and adventurers going at it against each other. As a fighter, you get easy access to meals after a battle.

I'll admit, I've convinced Roy to make this our regular place to spar against other groups simply because of the food here.

Suddenly, a waitress returning a round metal tray gets shoved by a muscular adventurer and trips on a table. The waitress screams as she falls onto the floor and accidentally drops the tray straight onto the head of another waiter. There's a massive commotion as the muscular adventurer begins crying (which I would have never expected from a muscular unit like him) and apologizing to the waitress.

However, in the midst of the commotion, I notice something that lights a lightbulb above my head.

The waiter who had the tray thrown onto his head was knocked out cold.

This is a dumb way this would work, right?

"Roy, I think I have an idea for a change in our battle style." I tug on his tunic, "Let's do one more spar before we head back."

Roy gives me a confused look, but nevertheless, he heads to the register to sign up for one more spar.

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What's Wrong with Only Having a Shield? My Summoner Hates MeWhere stories live. Discover now