Chapter 1.3

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"No, No, No, No, No!" The girl screams. "I don't need a stupid Spirit that only uses a shield!"

Ah yes, nice to meet you too. My name is Rin.

So much for introductions.

Normally, most guys in my situation would be happy to awaken in a new world with a beautiful girl right in front of them, but the circumstances were different for me. She instantly discarded me within a couple of seconds of my summoning, and she had the audacity to call me stupid?

I looked back at the girl. I couldn't really make out most of her features as she was wearing a hooded robe over herself, but her displeasure at my appearance was clear to anyone.

"Well, I didn't ask for you to be my Summoner." I scoff, matching the displeasure written all over her face.

"Well, I didn't ask for you to be my Spirit!"

Shit, that was a good reply. Straight to the point and a perfect counter.

While the girl began rambling and complaining to herself, I looked around the room where I was "summoned".

From what I could deduce, it wasn't a room. To me, it looked more like a bar with a summoning circle on a stage that was built in the middle of the bar. There were people of all shapes and sizes drinking and eating, and I could've sworn I saw a child drink from a beer bottle.

Was it beer? Never mind that, I had to deal with the girl in front of me.

"Well," I force a smile with my arm outstretched, "Why don't we just get along? There's nothing we can do about it right?"

She turned and looked at me with a murderous gleam in her eyes and a knife in her hand. I take a step back at the sudden introduction of the knife, and she begins advancing towards me with heavy steps.

"Oh, there is definitely something I can do about it" She angrily says.

"I-I have a shield!" I panic as I hold my shield up.

Crap, how did we get into this situation?

I was literally just thrust into this world, and I'm immediately fighting for my life from a crazed girl with a knife in her hand. My new life is off to a terrible start.

Never mind that, I need to deal with this girl!

I readied my shield and prepared myself for her attack.

She raised her knife and pointed it at me.

"Go, Spearman!" The girl shouted.

From behind her, a flash of purple came straight towards me.

I instinctively raised my shield and felt something collide with the loud noise of metal against metal. I hear people screaming and scrambling around the stage as the fight begins in the center of the bar.

I looked up from my shield to find that there was a short girl wearing a hot pink dress with long sleeves and the hem extending a bit outwards almost like a tutu. I also noticed that her purple dress had designs of multiple black dragons circling around the hem of the skirt, and she wore a pendant around her neck which shone blue. She was cute in a younger sister type of way, but nothing was cute about her long Glaive spear that would have pierced my chest if it wasn't for my shield.

For a short girl, I could tell she was extremely powerful. I struggled to hold her Glaive spear back as she begins to continuously thrust her spear towards me. After some time and scrambling from the crowd around us, I concluded that the area around us was empty.

What's Wrong with Only Having a Shield? My Summoner Hates MeWhere stories live. Discover now