Chapter 8.1

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Finally, tomorrow had come, and it was time to face the fabled Luke Virac, the brother of Isabel. All is silent as we approach the stage, an eerie sensation as the crowd and even Isabel herself is deadly silent.

"Welcome to the third Quarter Final match against two Summoners who share the same blood!" The announcer begins, "In the red half, we've got Isabel Virac, the rookie who was the second Summoner to have cleared their group stage without dropping a single match!"

Usually, the crowd would've cheered loudly or even given polite applause, but the wind was the only audible noise in the entire stadium.

"Now entering the blue half is the defending Summoner Champion, Luke 'The Human Spirit' Virac!"

Somehow, I felt the noise levels drop even more as if the wind had decided to keep silent as well. At first, I had thought I was just imagining it, but as soon as Luke Virac took his first step onto the stage, the entire atmosphere seemed to grow denser and heavier.

Luke Virac, was a tall and muscular man who wore no armor but a metal plating on each of his arms. I would have probably never considered that Luke and Isabel were siblings, but after knowing the truth, I started to see the resemblance to one another. Luke had eyes and short brown hair the same color as Isabel's.

However, contrary to Isabel who uses magic, swinging around in Luke's hand was a long silver polearm that shone brightly and loudly against the silent sky. At first, I had trouble recalling the name of the spear because of its odd blade shape, but it didn't take long for me to finally recognize that the polearm in Luke's hands was a Spetum Spear, a spear that has two smaller blades protruding out on opposite ends of the main blade.

Seriously though, what's with this aura?

I look at my party members and realize that I wasn't the only one feeling the tense atmosphere and aura coming from the barely armored man in front of us.

"The highly anticipated match between the defending Summoner champion against his rookie younger sister will now..."

I ready my shield and shake off my nerves.

No time to hesitate under his aura now.


With inhuman blinding speed, Luke dashes straight for Isabel.

Knowing I had hesitated a bit from the shock of the pure speed of Luke, I wouldn't make it in time to jump directly in front of Isabel. Instead, I decided to jump as close as possible to Isabel and swing my shield towards Luke to cover more area.

My Coffin Shield and Luke's Spetum Spear collide, and although I was able to block his attack, the pure force generated from his attack was enough to give me a massive knockback as my arms almost feel like they were about to pop backward out of my body.

What power...

Hilde reacts after me and throws his bear traps at Luke, but instead of dodging the traps like a regular person would, Luke holds out his spear horizontally with both arms and allow the traps to cling onto his spear. He immediately pulls on his spear, and Hilde is sent hurling through the air straight for Luke. Completely helpless in the air, Hilde is given a hard knee to the stomach and crumples to the floor.

"Liz, get him!" Isabel finally commands.

Liz quickly dashes straight for Luke, and the pair of them engage in a duel of different polearm styles. While Liz was constantly thrusting and stabbing at Luke, he was simply focused on parrying all her attacks with both his spear and the metal plating on his arms.

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