Chapter 9: A Dream and a Promise

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A couple of minutes pass since Isabel and I entered the break room to wait for our party members to regain consciousness. The experience of being thrown around the stage like a toy and the feeling of pure power from Luke's Blazing Soul replays over and over again in my head.

I sigh and lie down on a couch, and as soon as my body relaxes, I start to feel the aftereffects of the battle I endured. My ribs start aching and my legs begin feeling like jelly.

I might throw up here...Hold it in, Rin!

I groan and turn over onto my side to face Isabel. Turning over hurt me a lot more, but I knew it would hurt again to turn back. Isabel was sitting still with her head down low. I felt like I should say something, but I wasn't sure if anything I could say at the moment would help.

I finally manage the courage to sit up and speak to Isabel, but as soon as I open my mouth, the break room door swings open. Isabel's lifeless expression turns to one full of fear as Luke walks into the break room with his two Spirits behind him.

Luke takes notice of Isabel and shakes his head. He walks over behind Isabel and comes to a stop delivering a soft karate chop on Isabel's head.

"You're a fool." Luke simply says.

"Hey! What gives you the right to-" I stand up with some pain to defend Isabel, but Luke cuts me off short by pointing at me.

"Silence Shielder, you're under-leveled, aren't you?"


"It was obvious with the way you fought. Using your flaming shield to attack rather than defend proved to be a surprise to other Summoners, but I saw past that when I noticed how reluctant you were to use your shield to defend."

I remained silent in annoyance that he was right on the mark.

Luke turns his attention to Isabel, "Your obsession with attacking Spirits has come to bite you back, hasn't it?" He scoffs, "Well, even if you had your Spirits at a higher level, you still wouldn't beat me when it came to tactics."

Isabel uncharacteristically remains silent as Luke proceeds to head for the exit. He places a hand on the doorknob, and I decide to not let this smug jerk get away without a fight.

"You say that I'm under-leveled..." I turn to Luke.

Luke stops and stares me down out of the corner of his eye, his expression deadly cold enough to send a shiver down my spine, but I continue.

"You act like you're all tough and mighty, but you didn't technically beat me, did you?"

"Oh? How do you mean?" Luke asks, a hint of surprise on his face.

"Well... even though I'm under-leveled, I withstood all of your attacks and remained conscious until the end."

Luke's two Spirits' eyes widen in shock and they take a couple of steps towards me, but they are stopped by Luke who outstretched his arm. Even though the room was already silent, the atmosphere felt much quieter, as if the room magically became soundproofed.

Then, Luke begins laughing out loud, shocking his Spirits even more. Luke gradually regains his composure and smiles.

"I look forward to our rematch in the Summoner Games one year from now on," Luke gasps for air and opens the exit door, "Get stronger Shielder, the next time we meet, you'll regret taunting me."

Luke exits the room with his two Spirits right behind. I sigh and collapse back onto the couch.

That...was pretty nerve-wracking.

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