Chapter 7.2

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"Roy, charge straight in! Hilde, stop their support! Liz, help out Hilde!" Isabel commands.

"Cover me Rin!" Roy demands as he runs straight towards the opposing knight Spirit.


I match my pace to Roy's and block the arrows being shot by an elven Spirit. The Elf clicks his tongue in annoyance as he is pressured backward by Hilde's traps and Liz's spear.

"The highly anticipated rookie Summoner Isabel makes the first move of the match and is going on the offensive! How will the other rookie, Summoner Eprius, deal with this quick simultaneous attack?" The commentator commentates to the crowd.

With my defense and our party member's support, Roy is able to focus all his attention on the main Spirit of Summoner Eprius.

Summoner Eprius, who's dressed kind of like a magician with a to p hat and mask covering around his eyes, presents an expression of frustration through his mask.

"Tom! Don't go on the defense! Sylphy, use supporting magic on Tom! Keep those support Spirits distracted, Eve!" Summoner Eprius commands.

Despite being on the battlefield, I had to admit, it was a decent plan considering that he only had 3 Spirits.

Use the quick-footed Elf archer to contain two Spirits at once, and have the main tank battle head-on while being boosted with magic. Unfortunately for him, I've seen through his plan as soon as he ordered it.

To be honest, it was thanks to my experience with video games that I was able to come up with a counter-strategy of my own.

I observe the battle once more.

Roy is holding well enough on his own, even though his opponent was being boosted with magic, and the Elf Spirit was still occupied with Hilde and Liz's constant offense.

"Roy, try to push the battle forward a bit," I whisper as I block Tom's sword.

Without a word or signal, Roy gradually begins putting more pressure on Tom, causing him to slowly walk backward while being on the defense. I decided to start my plan and joined Roy in the offense.

Although I wasn't doing much damage, it would still hurt to be hit by a shield. Taking some inspiration from Captain USA, I change my shield to the circular Parma shield and started recreating the same moves I saw in the movies.

I kind of wish I could throw my shield and have it come back though, that would be so cool.

With our intense offense, we manage to back Tom up directly next to his supporting sorceress, Sylphy. This step of my plan was completed, and I began my next move to win this battle.

I jump toward Tom and raised my shield, but instead of attacking him, I rolled under him and came face to face with Sylphy.

"Sorry, ma'am," I whisper as I knock the sorceress out cold with my shield.

"What's this? Out of all of the Spirits on stage, the Shielder is the first to land a hit on anyone! Who would have expected a Shielder to go on the offense?"

That's the main support gone, now it's time to pick apart at the rest of the party.

"Roy! Strategy D!" I shout as I turn around to face the back of Tom.

Roy gives me a quick nod and we both charge straight for Tom in an instant.

To my surprise, Tom decides to deal with me first and swings his sword at me. It was a decent attempt, but Roy and I had prepared for this situation.

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