Chapter 7.4

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That night, Isabel had given us a game plan for the next Summoner battle against Eli. It was quite simple really, but I couldn't help but worry. Sure, on the outside I had fully agreed to Isabel's tactic, but deep down, I felt a sense of dread.

To summarize what Isabel's plan was: It was a tactic to expand on the role I played during the battle with Benjamin. I was going to act as a decoy, but rather than just distracting, Isabel ordered me to come up with an idea to make sure that I could not be ignored.

"I still don't know how to use you with my plans, but for now, at least I have a base."

So, she says, and it was a smart idea, I'll admit. I knew I should be more confident, after all, it worked out pretty well against Benjamin. So why was I still struggling to gain confidence with Isabel's plan?

Tired and frustrated from thinking about it, I silently headed out of the room to take a walk around the stadium.

The silence of the usually loud and bright stadium was odd, but it was natural considering it was closed for the night. I also found it odd how there were no guards inside of the stadium itself, but I guess no one would be stupid enough to mess around with Summoners and Spirits trying to get some sleep.

After walking around the vicinity of the stage in the middle of the stadium, I decided to head back to sleep.

I spotted a staircase heading upwards on my way back to the room, however, I could have sworn the rooms were already on the top floor. My curiosity got the better of me, and I started climbing up the stairs.


The staircase led me to the very top of the stadium, and from there, I was greeted with a breathtaking view of the city of Centria. I watched the canvas that spread out below me, with the shops all closed for the day, the guards roaming around the streets protecting the civilians in their sleep, and the street lights mirroring the stars in the night sky.

I wish I had a camera with me. Lisa would've enjoyed this view.

I silently chuckle to myself.

I lie down and take in the cold night air as I admire the two bright moons. I praised myself a bit for finding this area on my own, I found myself clearing my mind from the previous worry earlier within minutes of stargazing.

Suddenly, I heard a shuffle of steps to my right.

My body tenses up as I rise up and instantly summon my shield. I see the silhouette of a lady frozen still across from me. Soon, my eyes start adjusting to the dark and I began to see the lady clearer.

"Luna?" I ask as I lower my shield.

The Elf giggles softly at me, "Is that how you treat a fellow human from Earth?"

"W-well, in my defense, I had no idea it was you." I scratch my head, "Uhm, sorry."

Luna shakes her head and walks up beside me, "It's fine, I would probably do the same."

I make my shield disappear as I sit back down onto the ground and resume my stargazing. Luna follows suit and silently sits down beside me. For a while, we just stare at the stars sparkling together, until Luna speaks to fill the silence.

"I've actually been wanting to talk to you for a while, Rin."

"Y-you do?" I stutter.

"Yup, you know, c-considering we're both from Earth and all," Luna says in an awkwardly silent voice.

"Ah I see, I mean, at least we've got something in common to talk about, right?" I ask to lighten the mood.

Luna nods and smiles. By now, my eyes had adjusted to the night darkness, but seeing her smile somehow managed to brighten my vision even more. I was glad it was dark because she might've been able to see me blushing.

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