Chapter 4: Swallowing My Pride!

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I've seen monsters getting killed in gruesome ways before in my life, but I never realized just how terrifying it would be to witness a burning body of a human-like myself. I've been in many dungeons, and sure, a majority may have been level one dungeons, but I've never ever been in a situation where my life was in danger, until today.

"Hilde, use your trap to get Rin out of the fire!" Roy commands.

I sit frozen in terror as I watch the burnt body get dragged out of the purple flames and come to a stop right in front of me. The Spirit's body was charred and smoking, with no sign of life. I gingerly crawl my way towards the Spirit that had saved me, the one I had refused to acknowledge his existence.

Although I was the Summoner of this party, the battle with the dungeon dragon continued without my calls. I could hear the battle raging behind me, but all I could focus on was the corpse of the Shielder that had risked his life for me, even when I haven't been giving him the best treatment.

I think I ended up staring too much at the burnt teenager as my stomach decided to turn inside out and I ended up throwing up the meals I had today. A truly unpleasant scent of burnt flesh and vomit fills my nose, and I throw up once again.

I start tearing up, unsure if it was from the death of this human, or the sensation of vomiting.

Suddenly, as I wipe the tears out of my eyes, the corpse groans.

My heart starts beating with great speed, and despite the smell and the terrible shape of the teen, I hurriedly bring my ear to the chest of the Shielder. I listen to the best of my ability, hoping for a miracle.

It's silent for a moment...

Then I hear it...


I get up and run as fast as I can towards my backpack, tears forming in my eyes again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my other Spirits laying out all their anger on the dragon. The attack was disorganized, but all of them were blinded by rage. Roy slashed at any part of the dragon that came his way, Liz was gouging out the eyes of the dragon with her spear, and Hilde was tightening the grip of the chains around the dragon, almost ripping apart the skin of the dragon.

I couldn't pay them much attention though, I had to find healing potions.

If only Aquaria was here...I should have learned how to do healing spells!

To my relief, I find our stock of small healing potions filled with red liquid. I'm not sure if it would be enough, but I had no other choice, I needed to do absolutely everything I could to repay the teen who had saved me.

With a pile of potions in my arms, I kneel down next to the Shielder.

Please work...

I begin pouring the potions all over the Shielder, dousing him in red liquid. At first, nothing happens for a while, but slowly, the natural color of the Shielder's skin begins to return to him. However, there were obvious scars and small burns over his body, and even his hair had changed to a white color rather than the black he had.

Although all the potions have been used up, the Shielder still looked in terrible shape.

It's all my fault... I did this to him...

Guilt pains my chest as I start crying. It was frustrating knowing that I had caused the death of a human simply because I didn't want him as a part of my party. I knew that other Summoners simply killed the Spirits that they thought had no use to them, but every part of my body prevented me from bringing the knife to the Shielder, even when he was out cold for 3 days.

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