Chapter 6.2

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"Oh? The Spirits of Isabel are here?" Aquaria asks with Luna behind her.

That's right, Roy and I headed towards a marble stage and were directed by a muscular looking Elf to a register to sign up so that we could begin sparing with other people, and by complete coincidence, the first people we were sparing were the princess of Eskal herself and her Spirit, Luna.

"Lady Aquaria! It's a surprise to see you here!" Roy quickly bows.

I follow suit and bow down myself.

"Oh please, there's no need to be formal. You're my best friend's party members after all." Aquaria giggles.

"Hey look," another Elf says to his buddy, "the new guys are gonna face the princess, think they stand a chance?"

"No way, these guys won't know what hit them."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Roy and I are technically undefeated against Aquaria.

"It would appear that we're getting a crowd, shall we enter the stage?" Aquaria elbows my ribcage softly.

"I'm pretty sure that you would attract a crowd everywhere considering that you're a princess."

"Hehe, maybe."

The four of us enter the arena as we get softly sprayed on by a sort of liquid. The liquid felt awfully sticky at first, but after a couple of seconds of being on my skin, it felt like I was never sprayed on in the first place.

"Hmm, looks like they've got liquid armor here," Roy mutters under his breath.

"Correct! The liquid armor has a point system where it will decide who is the winner based on damage taken and the number of hits taken." Aquaria excitedly informs, "We won't go easy on you two, right Luna?"

"Y-yeah, no way are we losing to them," Luna says as she looks me directly in the eye from across the stage.

"Come on princess, show them what you've got!" An Elf in the crowd chants.

"Let's go, Luna! Use your special moves against them!" Another chant.

"Hey, isn't that guy with the white coat kind of skinny?"

Well, that's just not very nice to say, is it?

"Weapons at the ready!" A voice-over a speaker announces.

I close my eyes and visualize my shield and gauntlets. I feel some weight on my shoulder and hands as a familiar white and black shield in the oval shape of a Celtic shield materializes out of thin air on my arm. Roy summons his blue armor and golden longsword as he readies his stance.

Roy raises an eyebrow at me and lowers his sword.

"What happened to your armor?"

"It's a bit complicated, but let's not worry about that for now," I say as I face the two Elves who've also summoned their weapons and armor.

More Elves and adventures begin to fill the crowds as they anticipate the battle that's about to start between the four of us.

I face Aquaria and take a deep breath.

"Roy, any attacks that run your way, let me tank them," I whisper to Roy.

Roy quickly understands as he nods his head.

Come on, bring it on.

"Fight!" The announcer screams into the mic.

As soon as that word is announced, Aquaria raises her hand to us and shoots out a ball of water toward Roy. A sneaky-quick attack, but not quick enough as I read the situation and jump in front of Roy to block the ball with my shield. Roy quickly dashes around me and runs straight for Aquaria.

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