Chapter 2.1

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"Alright, just to confirm your request, lady Isabel, you want two rooms with two beds each with one room having an extra bed, right?" The beautiful innkeeper asked in a very mature voice. One that matched her ladylike appearance, unlike Liz.

"If you don't have a spare bed, he can sleep on the floor," Isabel adds, pointing at me.

"Do I at least get a pillow?" I asked sarcastically.

The innkeeper giggled and shook her head. "Don't worry, we provide spare beds. New Summoners always underestimate how many Spirits they could actually summon. Enjoy your stay."

I won't lie to you, despite feeling worried that I almost ended up sleeping on a floor, I was sort of geeking out about how much the inn had a fantasy feel to it. On the first floor with the registry was a sort of pub with multiple round tables filled with people of all shapes and sizes. They were all clearly adventurers of some sort who were refilling their energies after a day of doing adventurer stuff.

This really is a fantasy world. How I wish I took over my MMO character instead, I'd fit right in.

"Rin are you coming?" Roy's voice brought me back to Eart- I mean, Lastaria as he called out to me from the top of a flight of stairs.

"Yeah, on my way," I replied as I finally peeled my eyes away from the exciting fantasy scenery before me.

The inn-keeper showed Isabel and Liz to their room first, which made sense as they were both females.

"We'll leave again in a couple of minutes to get clothes and equipment for everyone, just don't do anything that would cause trouble," Isabel instructed as she closes the door.

The inn-keeper then led Roy, Hilde, and I into the room next door.

Wait, Hilde?

Once the inn-keeper held the door open for us, Hilde excitedly ran into the room and jumped onto a bed. I thanked the kind inn-keeper and headed into the room with Roy, however, there was a certain problem.

Roy and I looked at each other with concern, we both had the same thing on our minds, and it was a matter of who was going to bring it up first.

Finally, after an intense staring contest between Roy and me, he sighed and asked the question we both wanted to ask.

"Excuse me, Hilde, aren't you a lady?" Roy asked sternly.

Hilde, who had built an impressive fort with our pillows, looked up at us with a confused look on her face. "Of course not, I'm a man."

"Ehhh!?" Roy and I exclaimed.

You might think that being a person who has watched much anime and seen many of the tropes, meeting a trap (someone who looked like a girl but was a boy) wouldn't be too surprising. However, during my time in this new world, finding out Hilde is a man was right there on the list of biggest surprises I've encountered along with discovering that this world had 2 moons. Judging by the fact that Roy had also reacted the same way I did, it would be a surprise in this world as well.

"Ahaha, you guys really thought I was a girl?" Hilde laughed at us as Roy and I sat on our beds in embarrassment and shock.

I wanted to argue that his clothing style and overall look made him look like a girl, but the more I came to terms with that Hilde was a boy, the more I realized that if he were to dress like a guy and perhaps rock a ponytail, he would be kind of handsome in a sense.

"You can't exactly fault us. Your clothing and armor don't exactly suggest that you are a male." Roy worded out what I held back on saying.

"Well, as an assassin class, I need to move around better than a heavy class like you. Less armor is the way to go for me." Hilde responded.

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