Chapter 8.2

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"Honestly, you're still not using the shield to its best ability." A girl's voice wakes me up.

I open my eyes to find myself standing in front of a familiar table set in the middle of a familiar garden. On the table set, I expected to find Balia sipping tea again, but instead of seeing Balia again, I found myself facing a goddess with a similar dress to Balia, but the dress was all purple, and she was drinking a glass of water instead of tea.

"You're not-"

"Not Balia? Nope, not at all, but I'm still the shield on your arm." The goddess cuts me off.

I rack my brain trying to figure out what was going on.

"You still don't get it?" The purple-dressed goddess laughs loudly and stands up, "Don't you think it's weird for the shield to be named with 'Two Opposites' yet still give you only one elemental power?"

I think a bit harder. Yes, I did indeed think it was pretty weird for my shield to have "Two" in the name, yet only one power, but I really didn't think too much about it.

I analyze the goddess a bit more. She bears a resemblance to Balia, but I could tell that she was taller and slightly "larger" in some aspects which I refuse to go into detail about, because I'm sure she can read my mind just as well as Balia. Her color scheme was also purple rather than white.


"This is going to sound crazy," I start, "but are you the purple jewel on my shield?"

"Bingo!" The goddess points finger guns at me, "My name is Lagulia, and let me ask you, what's the opposite of fire?"

It doesn't even take me a second to respond, "Water."

Lagulia points a finger gun at me again. I expected her to say "bingo!" again, but instead, she makes a shooting motion with it, and a stream of water bursts out of the air straight toward me. I barely manage to dodge the water, and I turn to see that the blast had created a mini crater on the floor.

"What if that hit me!?" I yell.

"This is my realm. I'll just heal you back." Lagulia calmly says.


I calm myself down and face the goddess. If she was the emerald in my shield and had the power over water, I should be able to control water as well, right?

I close my eyes and begin to visualize a stream of water the same way I visualized a blazing flame. When I opened my eyes, I find my shield on my arm again, but no water anywhere.

"Your shield is still in the form of Balia. I'm guessing my younger sister didn't bother to teach you how to change the shield to take my form, did she?" Lagulia asks as she walks around me.

"N-No, she didn't."

"That girl, and we both promised that we would do as much as we could to help you. She just wanted you all to herself."

I blush a little bit at the thought of two goddesses fighting over me, but quickly throw that thought out of my head in fear that Lagulia would read my mind.

Lagulia comes to a stop behind me and lifts my right arm, "Tell me, Rin, what's my name?"

I turn my face to the goddess, "Lagulia?"

The goddess smiles and points to my shield. I turn to my shield and almost jump in surprise.

My shield, which was all white before, was now all purple. The gem, which was purple, turned into a clear white jewel.

So, the shield is the catalyst of their power, and I guess the jewel is like their storage?

"That's a rather funny way to put it, but you're not wrong." Lagulia reads my mind, "Well then, try out your powers again."

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