1: Taken Away

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A/N   2/29/24:

Hey y'all. I'm rereading and reworking this. So there might be a couple of changes.

The smoke from the large Fire navy ships tainted the snow a dark gray as the ship swam through the waves and toward the large block of ice many people called home. The commander of the ship read the scroll one last time, he wanted to remind himself of his mission.

"Sir, we will be arriving soon." 

A smile graced the commander's lips. "Make preparations, we don't want to cause too much trouble, but I will do whatever it takes to fulfill the Fire Lord's wishes. Even if that means some die."

"You may have been assigned as leader of this mission, but don't forget I am the Fire Lord's grandson. I will not have you or anyone on this ship killing innocent people. I may be shadowing you on this boat, but I won't hesitate to put my foot down."

"Prince Lu Ten, I understand your concern but let me remind you the Fire Lord put me in charge of this mission, not you." The commander pushed past Lu Ten, hitting him in the process. Lu Ten simply rolled his eyes and took a few calming breaths, it wasn't worth it to get angry at something little like this. Not when he would have bigger things to worry about in a few minutes.

Katara watched from her igloo as the snow turned gray when the ash hit it. Her feet moved before her mind could think, needing to make sure the rest of her family was safe. Her mother's hand reached out for her, keeping her from running out. 

"Katara sit down here," her mother ordered with a sweet voice. She threw pelts on top of her, trying to make it seem as natural as possible. "Don't move or say anything until I say so or your father does ok?" Katara remained silent, from both her mother's orders and the fear that kept on rising in her stomach. "Good girl." 

She heard the flaps open and the snow outside crunch under her mother's footsteps. Many long moments went by. The noises of people yelling, running, and fighting came from outside. Katara desperately wanted to go out and try to help, but she couldn't. The noise of people running kept on getting closer and closer to her, until she heard the footsteps walk into her igloo. They stopped right in front of the pile of pelts that hid Katara.

"Is this it?" A strange man asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Katara's heart stopped. It was her mother's voice, but she sounded so scared. "Katara?" She spoke in a shaky voice that rattled her in her bones. "Can you come out for me?" Katara didn't move. "Katara?"

"Oh come on!" The man yelled angrily. He threw the pelts off Katara. She came face to face with the commander. Her mother was on the floor, her face had blood all over it, and her hands were tied behind her back. Katara looked back up at the man.

"Mommy I'm scared." Katara finally spoke, keeping eye contact with her mother as the man pulled out a knife. Tears were streaming down her mother's face.

"Be strong for me, ok?" Her mother reassured her. "I love you so much." The man moved to stab Katara's small body, but someone else got in the way. Kya fell to the floor as the knife was stabbed through her stomach.

"Mom!" Katara screamed. The whole igloo began to crack. The light snow that fell came down even harder. She ran to her mom, holding her lifeless body. "No!" The little girl screamed as the commander looked around nervously at the igloo. It was beginning to fall. He ran out quickly, just as it caved in on itself.

"Yon Rha! What has happened here?" Lu Ten demanded to know as he ran toward the fallen igloo. Yon Rha simply just turned around and started walking back toward the ship.

"Our mission here is done, the water bender is eliminated." 

Lu Ten looked at the igloo then back to Yon Rha. A man walked toward the fallen igloo and fell on his knees. Lu Ten watched and listened in horror as the man cried and screamed at the loss of his wife and daughter. The man quickly composed himself though when a boy came up to him, they both stared at the nonexistent igloo. Hakoda stood up and walked over to Yon Rha.

"That water bender you killed was just four years old! We only found out she was a bender a couple weeks ago!" He screamed and grabbed Yon Rha. The Fire Nation soldiers were quick to pull the man away. 

"Stop that! Let him go!" Lu Ten ordered. The soldiers looked hesitantly between Yon Rha and Lu Ten, but they let Hakoda go. Lu Ten walked up to the igloo. He took off his glove and gently began to melt the snow. Hakoda watched with a couple tears still in his eyes. After a few moments, Lu Ten pulled out a little bundle of blue. He immediately set her in Hakoda's arms.

"She's alive, for now. But you'll have to say your goodbyes even if she's unconscious." 

Hakoda's eyes shot up from Katara to meet Lu Ten's. He had gone through so many emotions in such a short amount of time. First, he thought he had lost both Katara and Kya, then his daughter was saved, now she was being taken away. 

"If it were up to me, she would stay here. But I have my orders, and this way no one get hurt." Lu Ten gestured to the soldiers surrounding them. 

Hakoda nodded solemnly. "Promise me one thing?"


"Wherever she's going, please look after her?" Hakoda stroked Katara's hair. "You have been the only one to show any kindness and diplomacy today. Please make sure she doesn't get hurt." Lu Ten looked into Hakoda's sad eyes.

"I will. My men will also help you bury your wife."

"That won't be necessary, I don't want your men helping. I will do it." Hakoda kissed Katara on the forehead and gave her to Lu Ten. He walked over to his wife and grabbed something off of her. It was a necklace. Giving Katara one last kiss, he also gave the necklace to Lu Ten. 

Lu Ten looked down at the small girl in his arms. She was now his responsibility. The two men shook hands and walked off in separate directions. The little boy stood by his father and watched them leave.

"Dad, is it my fault Katara is being taken away?" 

He looked down sadly at his son. "No Sokka." He patted his son on his head and walked away to go bury his wife. 

Sokka watched Lu Ten take Katara away. He knew that it was his fault, because it was Sokka who had asked his mother if Katara was safe since she was a water bender, but it wasn't his fault that a soldier had overheard this conversation. As the ship started to leave, the five-year-old boy let a couple tears escape his eyes. It would be eleven years before he would see his sister again.

Hi, welcome to the first chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Let me know what you think. Also ages in this are: Katara-4, Sokka-5, Lu Ten-16.

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