6- Permission

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The Fire Navy ship landed at the Caldera city docks. Katara stepped off the ship and headed straight towards the palace. She had dismissed her team to go see their families, leaving her alone except for a couple of guards. As soon as a servant saw Katara approaching the palace gates she quickly went to tell the others that their Princess was home.

Katara was greeted by two of her childhood friends, Azula and Mai. She hugged them both.

"Where's Ty Lee?" She pondered noticing the empty spot next to Azula.

"She went off to join the circus." Azula answered bitterly.

"Oh, I guess I've been a bit busy."

"Yes you have been, being a Sergeant now and everything." Azula smiled at her, flipping her bangs.

"How's Zuko?" Mai ponderened.

"He's good," Katara said, blushing.

"You both seem to be doing good." Mai teased her.

"Mai quit it, they've only been dating for a couple months." Azula added, and the girls started to walk into the palace. "So why are you here Katara?"

"Well I have been threatened by Commander Zhao with false information, so I'm here to clear my name."

"Does her father even know that you and Zuko are dating?"

"No, that's another thing I must do." The girls headed to the throne room where they knew Fire Lord Ozai would be. Katara's hands started to shake and her breathing became more rapid.

"It will be fine Katara don't worry, father doesn't hate you as much as he hates Zuko." Katara stared at Azula, unimpressed.

"Yes it's not like he's my boyfriend or whatever." With that Katara walked into the throne room. The flames surrounding Ozai's throne seemed to burn hotter and taller than Azulon's did.

"Princess Katara," he spoke in the same snake-like voice Katara remembered from her childhood. "What brings you back to the Fire Nation?" Katara bowed then stood up.

"I'm not sure if you've heard but the Avatar is alive."

"I'm aware the sages told me yesterday."

"Commander Zhao has threatened me, Prince Zuko was the first to find the Avatar." Katara saw as Ozai's face scrunched up in anger and his fist clenched. "And Commander Zhao thinks that I had information about the Avatar's whereabouts, and that I knew he was alive. However I didn't know any until Zhao brought it up."

"I see." Ozai looked down at Katara with suspicion. "I believe that Zhao threatened you, but why would he think that Zuko and you are close enough to be sharing information like that?" Katara had gotten through this meeting so far with flying colors, until now.

"That's the thing, Fire Lord Ozai, I am close with Zuko not only because we are childhood friends, but also because we are dating." Silence fell in the room.

"I see." Silence again. "I don't see a problem with that." The weights that were on Katara's shoulders vanished. She stood a little taller. "But, if you tell him any classified information, I'll send you back to live with your people."

Katara tilted her head, confused. "I am with my people." Ozai's eyes widened, she didn't know. "I may be a waterbender, but I will always be Fire Nation. Even if its only in my heart." Ozai smiled slightly.

"Perhaps the first time I met you I judged you too quickly. You are clearly loyal."

"Was I not before?"

"I wasn't sure, you were an outsider when you came here. But you've clearly proven yourself worthy."

"Ever since my parents abandoned me I became loyal to whoever wasn't my people. Since they clearly didn't want me." When Katara was first brought to the Fire Nation they took advantage of her losing her memory. Katara could of course see that she was different from the rest of them, so they couldn't tell her she was from the Fire Nation, she would see through it. So instead they told her they found her alone on an iceberg, abandoned by her family, and her people.

"Is that all you wish to tell me?"

"No, Commander Zhao has cleared me of all my missions. I will be joining Prince Zuko on his ship to capture the Avatar."

"I will allow that, under one condition." Katara raised an eyebrow. "Finding the Avatar is of utmost importance. If Zuko cannot do it, you will finish the job." Katara gulped. She knew Zuko could do it, but why didn't his father believe him? "Your excused, please be on your way." Katara left to see Azula and Mai still outside.

"I have to leave right away." Katara went into her room with the girls still following her.

"What happened?" Mai asked in a monotone voice.

"Are you banished with Zuzu?"

"No," Katara said. She grabbed a book with Water Tribe designs on it, and buried it underneath the other clothes she was bringing.

"If you're not banished then why are you taking so many things?"

"Because I don't want to go running all around the Earth Kingdom in heavy armor." Katara opened up her night stand drawer and saw something blue and shiny at the bottom of the drawer. She hadn't worn the necklace since Lu Ten died. Katara knew it was from her family, but it always felt more like something Lu Ten gave her than her family. She tied it onto her neck and hid it under her armor. Saying goodbye to Mai and Azula, despite only saying hello to them an hour ago she left again.

As the unagi sprayed water onto the village Aang landed onto Appa again.

"That was too close!" The dark skinned water tribe boy yelled at the Avatar.

"I was just trying to save their village!"

"Yeah well from now on don't." Sokka stopped talking after he realized what he had said. "Sorry, that was uncalled for, where are we heading next?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"You're the one that knows how long until this thing needs a break!"

"He's not a thing he is Appa!" Aang focused on flying again. "We'll head to Omashu."

As the two boys walked up to the gates of Omashu Sokka rolled his eyes as he looked down at his friend.

"Are you seriously going to wear that?"

"What? We need to get in."

"Aang this is the Earth Kingdom, let's just tell them that we're in trouble and need help." An older man dressed in all green watched as his cart of cabbages fell over the edge of the rock walk they were on.

"My cabbages!" He cried. Aang and Sokka stepped forward and immediately one of the earthbenders lifted a rock above Aang's head. Aang lunged at the earthbender, but didn't attack him, just stood right in front of him.

"You want to know my business young man? My business is not your business! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee, and paddle your backside!" Aang ordered in an old man's voice. Sokka grabbed his face, embarrassed and scared for his life.

"Settle down old timer." The earthbender tried to calm him down. 'Just tell me who you are."

"My name is Bonzoo Pippenpadlopsicopolis, the third." Aang gestured to Sokka. "This is my grandson."

Sokka stepped forward. "Wang Pippenpadiopsicopolis." Sokka said in a boring voice pronouncing the last name wrong. The earthbender looked suspiciously at Sokka and Aang. He moved out of their way so they could enter.

"Wait a minute." The two stopped, scared. "You're a strong young boy, show some respect to the elderly." He gestured towards the bag Aang held. Smirking, he threw it at Sokka.

"Good idea!" The two entered the city, as the rock wall closed behind them. They stared at the city. The green rooftops were covered in snow, and rock carts flew down the delivery shoots, but more importantly someone was standing there waiting for them.

"It took you two long enough."

"What?" Sokka asked not recognizing the girl.

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