28: Leaving

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"I think you should know something about your daughter and Zuko. I know this will proably be hard to hear, and it shouldn't be coming from me, but-" Aang could see Sokka out of the corner of his eye. He was flailing around and gesturing for Aang to stop talking. 

"It's ok Aang, I know Katara and Zuko are dating again. They aren't very good at hiding it." Hakoda looked down at his son, Sokka quickly gained his composure again. 

"Sir it's not that," Aang sighed. "The Fire Lord sent assassins after Zuko and Katara, there plan is to sperate from us." Hakoda turned away from Aang and looked out into the ocean, nodding his head. 

"You're right, that shouldn't have come from you. Although I do love my daughter very much and I'm happy to see that she is making the hard decisions a leader should. She will make an excellent leader one day." 

"So what you're not concerned that she's going alone?" 

Hakoda chuckled. "She's not going to be alone she'll have Zuko."

"But aren't you worried-" Aang glanced at Sokka nervously. "That you know since their together, and they'll be alone-" Aang looked to Sokka for help.

"Finish your sentence Aang." Sokka said sternly, crossing his arms.

"Listen Avatar Aang," Hakoda put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I trust my daughter. She has been gone from me for many years, I know she can take care of herself. And although I don't know this banished Prince Zuko very well, he loves my daughter, and that is all I need to know." Hakoda gave Aang a smile. "Also Katara already told me she was going to leave." Aang nodded and turned towards Sokka.

"What about you?" He waved his hand dismissively. 

"I hate those two together, but dad is right. If she didn't have this previous training and knowledge from the Fire Nation, I would have been quick to say no, but she's a true warrior. She's been in more battles than I have and has better combat skills than me." Sokka paused. "And as much as I hate Zuko, they're right. The assassins are only after them, and they have more knowledge of what exactly the Fire Lord will do." Aang looked down at his feet. 

"So you tired tattling on us?" A familiar stern female voice came from behind them. Aang didn't want to move, but somehow his feet were turning him around. 

"Hey Katara." Katara stood with her brows furrowed together and her hands at her hips. Zuko was standing on his left looking as equally disappointed with his arms crossed. Suki stood at her right. Not as mad, but clearly still a bit annoyed. 

"What makes you think you have any right to tell my dad anything?" Katara shouted. 

"It was for your own good, I thought your dad didn't know." 

"What do you know about my own good?!" Katara took a step forward but was pulled back by Zuko. Suki gave an approving nod. Despite not wanting to admit it Suki had grown to trust Zuko more as the weeks at sea went on. 

"You're right," Aang turned away sadly. "I don't." He opened his glider that he had been using as a cane and flew off. 

"Are you kidding me?" Katara yelled at him, despite him not being able to hear her. Katara held her face in her hands. "Does he always do that?" Everyone murmured an agreement. 

"With our experience it's best if we wait for him to return." Sokka said.

"But he's hurt, and there's a storm coming." Katara walked over to the edge.

"Katara where are you going?" Zuko called out.

"I'm going to talk to him, alone." She jumped off the side and let the water take her away. 

"I hope she knows what she's doing." Zuko said quietly enough only for Suki to hear him.

Katara shielded her eyes from the heavy rain drops falling from the sky. All she wanted to do right now was to get back on the ship and curl into bed with her warm firebender, but no. Aang was acting like a child. But Aang was a child, she needed to keep reminding herself that. 

"Aang!" She yelled to a figure in the distance. He was just barley holding onto a piece of debris. Working quickly, she froze a chunk of water underneath him, giving him a raft. Aang looked up at her, his eyes filled with tears and wide eyed. "Hey don't run off like that, especially when you're still healing. 

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, over and over. "I'm sorry, it was stupid." 

"It was stupid, don't do it again." Katara moved to stand on the raft with Aang. 

"It's just that I care for you, and I don't want to see you go." 

"Well Aang." Katara kneeled down next to him. "Toph, Sokka, and Suki all volunteered to come with. Zuko and I agreed they could come, but." Katara's eyes wandered to the sea surrounding them. "I don't want any of you getting hurt. So I've changed my mind. Especially with your little trip." Katara said gesturing to their situation. 

Aang nodded his head. "I want to go back, but I broke my glider." Katara stood up and launched the raft towards the ship. Once they made it back Katara split ways with Aang. She went to her room and grabbed her already packed bag. Zuko was waiting outside her room.

"Hey what are you doing here?" She grabbed his hand fondly. 

"I saw that you came back from grabbing the Avatar, how did that go?" She waved her hand dismissively. 

"I don't want to talk about it. I would rather get on with getting hunted by assassins." 

"That bad huh?" The two walked up onto deck. Toph, Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda were waiting to say goodbye, Aang was off to the side. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to come?" Sokka smiled, pulling the two into a hug.

"Yes Sokka, we need more distance." Zuko huffed. Sokka let go but hugged his sister one last time. "Besides we'll meet up again when this whole thing is over." 

"I think I might actually miss you." Sokka lied slightly to the firebender. 

"You're just going to miss torturing me." 

"Whatever." Sokka stepped aside, letting Hakoda hug Katara. 

"I'll miss you." He whispered to his daughter. "Please be safe." 

"I'll try." Katara nodded pulling away from her father. 

"Keep her safe." Hakoda warned the banished prince. 

"On my life." Zuko made a small and quick gesture, putting a hand over his heart. The others wished them goodbye and soon they were off. The two took one of the many small row boats that hung on the ship. 

"You ready?" Zuko gestured towards the land that was approaching, 

"Let's do this." 

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