24: Crossroads of Destiny Part 2

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Zuko stood with Katara on his arm looking over the two groups of people. One had the Avatar, Katara's brother, and warriors from the Earth Kingdom. The other had his sister and childhood friends. He looked down into Katara's blue eyes, how he had missed her eyes. She gave him a soft smile.

"Enough this is getting really boring!" Aang interjected raisng his glider. 

"Look at that," Azula said with a smirk, moving into a bending position. "The Avatar and I actually agree on something."

"Just give us the Earth King," Toph added. 

"No," was all Azula said before she was firing blasts at everyone, but Zuko and Katara. 

"Zuko nows a good time for you to choose." 

"I don't see why it's up to me."

"Because I don't know what I want. All I know is I want to be with you." Zuko stared into her eyes once more. Placing a gentle kiss on her lips he found the courage. Letting go of Katara he ran towards his sister. 

"Azula that's enough! Retreat from Ba Sing Se!" Azula cackled down at her brother.

"I hope you know what you've done Zuko. Father will never let you or Katara be free. He doesn't leave loose ends." Azula raised her hands and made a huge fire ball straight towards Zuko. A wave of water came in the middle of it, suddenly Katara was at his side. 

"Stop Azula! I don't want to hurt you!" Katara warned. The princess simply laughed again and threw more fire at the two.

Dai Lee agents started appearing. Toph ran to stop one from throwing a earth glove at Iroh.

Mai and Ty Lee ran towards the Avatar, seeing how Azula was busy dealing with their traitorous friends. Mai raised a hand to throw a knife at the boy, but a boomerang knocked it out of her hands. She watched it return to the water tribe boy. Aang watched Ty Lee carefully. She was quick, luckily he was quicker. Ty Lee almost got her hand on Aang before she was thrown across the room by his glider.

"Ty Lee!" Mai screamed. She looked at Sokka then at Aang before rushing to her friends side.

"That look like it hurt." Sokka cringed.

"I had to get those two out of the fight, we need to help Katara." Sokka stared at the boy with a weird look, but nodded. Aang watched the fight around them. Azula was threatening to make lighting, moving her arms in a pattern around her body. Katara and Zuko both noticed and moved out of the way. The whole palace shook at soon as the lightening hit the walls. A couple pillars crumbled, weakening the roof's integrity. Toph and Iroh were being bested by the Dai Lee. Even if Toph was the best earthbender in the world she was against dozen Dai Lee agents.

"Aang!" Sokka yelled. Azula sent another blast of lightening, and with that more of the building was gone. Closing his eyes Aang sat down and formed a rock cave around him. A bright light shot out of the cracks of the tent. Katara, Zuko, Sokka, and Azula watched in wonder as Aang rose in full Avatar state.

"Thats why you choose the right side," Katara joked to Zuko. The mightiness of the Avatar was short lived however. Azula struck her final lightening strike at the young Avatar. Toph quickly bended an earth slab to catch him. The group ran towards their fallen friend.

"We need to get out of here." Sokka said, searching through Aang's pockets he fished out a small bison whistle. Katara was surprised by the lack of sound the whistle made. Appa showed up mer seconds later. Sokka grabbed Aang and tried to hoist him onto the bison. Zuko watched him struggle and quickly ran to help him. Iroh was still fighting, trying to keep the Dai Lee away.

"Uncle!" Zuko called out. Iroh turned towards him.

"You need to go now!"



Katara grabbed him. "We need to go!" Katara stared into his eyes, begging him to come. He climbed onto the bison and sat next to Katara. Appa took off into the dark sky.

"Give Aang to me." Katara ordered, pulling out the vile of spirit water. Sokka sat the Avatar in front of her. The water swirled around her hand into a disk. As soon as the water made contact his tattoos glowed for a second.

"Where are we going?" Toph asked, everyone looking to Sokka.

"We need to meet up with dad."

Little bit of a shorter chapter, hope you still liked it just at much. I'm going to try and post again tomorrow with another shorter chapter. Thanks for reading!

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