22: Ba Sing Se

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Katara watched Hakoda and Sokka assemble the mines with a smile on her face. After her horrible emotional wreck of a night the three had talked more and caught up. For Katara it was eleven years without either of them, for Sokka it was eleven without Katara and five without Hakoda.

Bato walked over to the mine Katara had been working on.

"Hey Bato," Katara said, she was too engrossed tying the rope to look at him.

"Do you like your brother being back here or are you too scared he's going to tell him about your boyfriend?" Katara flinched slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I already told my dad about Zuko, and he has been my only boyfriend."

"What about that tall kid with the dark hair and hook swords I saw you talking to?" Katara blushed at the mention of Jet.

"I don't know what you're talking about. They were a group of friends who were lost trying to get to Ba Sing Se."

"Ok whatever you say."

A laugh from Sokka broke Katara from her thoughts. Bato rolled his eyes and whispered something under his breath.

"Bato!" Hakoda called. "Get these mines loaded up. The rest of you men prepare for battle." Katara quickly finished tying the rope and got ready. 

When everyone was done preparing night time had fallen across the Earth Kingdom. Katara went to go find Sokka and Hakoda. Sokka was sharpening one of his knifes by the beach.

"There you are, we're going to be leaving soon are you ready?" Sokka nodded slightly, sheathing the knife in his boot.

"Ready to knock some Fire Nation heads?" Hakoda asked, standing behind the two.

"You don't know how much this means to me, dad." Sokka said, turning to face their father.

"Why is this time such a big deal, you've fought Fire Nation before." Sokka rubbed his eyes finally noticing his sister. She wore the traditional hair loopies that got swooped up into a ponytail. Her face had been decorated with war paint like the rest of the warriors. She was dressed in a blue tunic that was shorter in length than the one she got in the North Pole, this tunic was sleeveless like Sokka's, she also wore slightly baggier pants. Sokka let out a small chuckle remembering the first time he had seen his sister after those eleven years. Covered in all Fire Nation attire from the amour to the color, but now she looked like a water tribe warrior.

"Whoa Katara, you look different."

"What do I look less "Fire Nationy"?" She asked sarcastically. The siblings banter was cut off by a giant white beast flying down to land next to them.

"Aang?" Sokka looked up at the boy scratching his head.

"Sokka we have to go back to Ba Sing Se, I think-" Aang's eyes wandered to the waterbender next to Sokka. "Oh hey Katara!" Aang gave her a little wave and blushed.

"Aang whats wrong with Ba Sing Se?" Katara said, steering the conversation back to the topic at hand.

"I had a vision, Ba Sing Se is in trouble."

Katara nodded at Sokka. "We will go with you to help." The two siblings looked back at their father.

"I understand why you need to go." He pulled both of them into a hug. "Take care of each other and let's hope this war ends soon enough."

One thing Katara certainly hadn't missed was the Avatar and his bison. Sure Aang was nice enough, but Katara would forget about how he is only a child.

Katara was trying to sleep on the bison when the creature suddenly landed. She looked around, but found no city. A small girl in Earth Kingdom colors hopped onto Appa with the help of her bending. Her head spun around towards Katara. She remembered what Sokka had said about the young earthbender, she was blind, but could see with her earthbending.

"You must be the other princess huh?" The young girl asked in a high pitched voice.

"Not anymore, I'm Katara."

"I'm Toph, greatest earthbender in the world." Toph said with a giant smirk on her face. She held her hand out to Katara, which she shook for only a quick second.

Appa flew back into the clouds, making Toph hold onto the bisons fur for dear life. When they finally reached the city Katara marveled in the differences between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. When they landed they all immediately ran into the throne room. The king was in there with his pet bear by his side. 

"King Kuei have you seen Suki?" Sokka asked immediately. The Earth King appeared flustered then calmed down. 

"She's at the border, apparently the other Kyoshi warriors wanted to enter the city." Sokka looked as if he deflated.

"So she's not here?"

"No, I can tell you exactly where she went if you want to see her."

"No it's ok, Aang had a vision about something bad happening."

"Yeah but it wasn't about Suki." Aang butted in. 

"What was your vision about Avatar Aang?" The King asked, petting his bear. 

"I saw the city falling. Azula on your throne." Aang sighed, his head falling. "I saw Katara in trouble." Aang gestured to the waterbender next to him. 

"Katara?" King Kuei looked up from his bear to her. "Princess Katara? The Sergeant Princess Katara of the Fire Nation." The King pointed at her, the Dai Li threw gloved rocks at her. 

"Hey wait! She's not part of the Fire Nation anymore!" Sokka protested.

"Are you sure about that?" The King brought out a scroll. "One of my Dai Li agents found this correspondence between Princess Azula and Princess Katara." Sokka took the scroll and read it.

"This can't be true." Aang also peeked over his shoulder to read it.

"That's because it isn't true! I haven't seen Azula in months! Nor have I spoken with her!" Katara argued. Another glove shot out around Katara's mouth. 

"Until we have further proof of her innocence you can lock her up. Avatar Aang I suggest you and your friends look for Suki at your apartment she may be there by now." 

"No!" Sokka challenged. "My sister is innocent! She has been with the warriors of the Southern Water Tribe for weeks! Helping fight the war against the Fire Nation."

"Sokka you are clearly smart, so that is why I advice you to leave." Aang and Toph practically dragged Sokka out of the throne room. Katara was dragged away, but not to a prison cell. She was throne down a dark hole. Eventually hitting the ground Katara was met by bright green crystals and a pair of golden eyes.


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