30: A Deal

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"June," Katara whispered. "We need to get out of here." Zuko nodded and grabbed her hand. He lead her out of a back door. June watched the two and smirked to herself. After a few minutes she swallowed her drink in one gulp and made her way out. Staying in the shadows as she followed the trail the ex-fire prince and princess left behind. June tracked them down to a riverbank. Far enough away from town, but also close enough to be able to run back. She creeped her way on the outskirts of a camp the two must have set up. However, after further examination June noticed the only sign of life was a fire near the water's edge. 

"A trap how cute." June laughed walking out from her hiding spot. She stood in front of the fire looking out into the water. A figure rose from the water, one that June could guess correctly as Katara. Despite just being in the water not a bit of her looked wet. Katara rose her hands and the water followed her movements. It snaked towards June and froze at her hands and feet. 

Zuko was next. The fire in front of her flared up and grew around her. She turned around and spotted the young prince. The fire reflecting off his golden eyes until the wall of fire blocked her view from him. 

June stood there in the center for a moment. She ice was cold on her hands and feet, yet the rest of her was sweating. A part of the fire was pulled back and two figures walked into the ring with June. 

"Well if it isn't the most expensive couple." She smiled at the two. "Zuko your daddy wants you, dead or alive."

"I'm aware." He spoke in his raspy voice. 

"So, are we going to do this the easy way or am I going to have to call Nala?"

"As long as your stuck like this, it doesn't matter. Zuko and I will have a good head start we can outrun you." 

"Don't play dumb with me waterbender, I could spot you and your prince from miles away. You two always leave a trail of destruction wherever you go." 

"What does that mean?" Zuko's calm exterior quickly falling to irritation. 

"Doesn't matter what I mean, what matters is that you two have quite a large bounty on your head."

"And let me guess you want the money?" Katara stated. 

June sighed. "I should. However for some reason I suddenly have morals."

"I'm confused." Zuko said. 

"I'm going to make a deal with the future Firelord-"

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse me lover boy I'm not done yet. I am going to make a deal with the future Firelord. When the war is over and you're Firelord Zuko, you will owe me lots of gold. For this gold I will lead all your little assassins away and get in touch with some of my friends to make it seem that you two are-"


"It will keep all those pesky assassins away." 

"Are you sure it will work?" Katara asked, her voice lined with optimism. 

"No hang on Katara, we can't agree to this. I won't even be Firelord, Uncle will be. Even then there isn't a chance that we will win against my father." 

"Zuko this is better than us having to run. We can join back up with the group. You could teach Aang firebending." She put a hand on his shoulder. "We might not be able to trust her, but it's a chance we should take." Katara lifted her other hand and the ice around June's hands and feet melted.

"Ok," Zuko said nodding his head. "If you betray us-"

"I won't betray you." June batted him away with her hand. "Now if you two are done with you squabble I have my end of the bargin to uphold." She fished a whistle out of one of her pockets and blew on it. Nala came trampling into the clearing. June waved them goodbye and ran back to the town. 

Zuko and Katara stared at the other for a moment. They both looked into each other's eyes wondering if the other was thinking the same thing. Did we make the right choice? Zuko grabbed Katara's hand and pulled her close. He kissed her softly.

"We should go grab our things from the Inn and get out of here." Katara nodded her agreement. The two walked hand in hand back to the inn.

"Zuko I believe you have an Avatar to find again." Katara said once they were back in the privacy of their own room. 

"Actually," Zuko grabbed something out of his bag, a map. "Sokka gave me this." Katara walked over to study the map. The map was of the Fire Nation and some of the Earth Kingdom. Sokka had marked on the map the places they would be stopping.

"He loves planning, doesn't he?" Katara laughed.

"It looks like we have an Avatar to hunt." 

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