23: Crossroads of Destiny

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"Katara," Zuko lent a hand to her and helped her up. "You look-" Zuko stared at her new appearance. He didn't mind the blue on her, but he preferred the red because it made her eyes pop out more.

"Less Fire Nationy?" Katara asked with a smirk.

Zuko chuckled. "Where did you get that?"

"Some stupid thing Sokka says." Katara paused looking away from him. "Then again Sokka says a lot of stupid things.

"So you and him getting along well now?" Katara looked at him, noticing his different wardrobe choice.

"Yes, and I met my father. But Zuko what are you doing down here? And why are you dressed like some Earth Kingdom noble."

"Thats because I kind of am. But we can talk more about this later, right now we need to get out of here. Azula is in the city, and I need to find Uncle." Katara nodded.

"There's water over there." Katara grabbed Zuko's hand and yanked him towards her. The two ran into a tiny mouth of the cave and entered a huge carven filled with water and more crystals.

"We can't escape from here unless we're earthbenders." Zuko sighed accepting their fate.

"No," Katara pointed at the water fall. "Wanna see a new trick I've been learning?" Katara smirked. They ran to the base of the waterfall. Katara pulled Zuko into a hug, which Zuko returned but then let go. "It's not a hug Zuko, this is our way out!" He grabbed onto her again, tighter this time. Water spiraled around them, jetting them towards the surface.

The sun blinded them when the two finally reached the surface. Adjusting to the light Katara and Zuko found themselves on the outskirts of the palace. 

"We need to find my brother and Uncle." Katara stated. She grabbed onto Zuko's hand and punched the water, launching them away. She guided them through the different streams of water with the help of Zuko's directions.

"I heard the Avatar was staying in the merchant ring." Katara nodded as she spun her body, propelling them out of the water and onto the ground. Two well dressed Earth Kingdom girls gasped at the two appearances. 

"Ugh some barbarian," the one with the parasol gagged. Katara rolled her eyes while Zuko glared, taking a step towards Katara. 

"Look how ugly that scar is!" The other giggled. Katara flicked her hand as water crept up towards the girls and froze their feet. 

"Shut up about his scar and tell me where the Avatar is." Katara ordered, narrowing her eyes at them. 

"Why would we know where he is?" One of them asked. Katara raised her hand, threatening to freeze more of their body. 

"Wait! Ok! He lives in that house over there!" The girl said and pointed to a house riddled with scaffolding. The two ran towards the house. They noticed a Dai Lee agent outside of the door, but ignored it. Zuko raised his hand to knock on the door, but instead Zuko's fist hit the waterbender's brother in the face. 

"What the-?" Sokka began, holding his nose. 

"Sorry thought it was a door." Zuko said with no emotion in his voice. 

"Nice going Sparky." The earthbender joked. 

"Katara glad to see you're ok." Aang spoke, moving in between her and Zuko. 

"Uncle," Zuko said, finally noticing Iroh.

"Nephew, glad to see you're still alive." Iroh smiled at Katara. "Princess Katara, glad to see our paths crossed again, just like I said they would."

Katara smiled. "Uncle it's good to see you too, but we need to focus on Azula." Everyone turned to Katara at the mention of the crazy princess. 

"Katara is right, she has infiltrated the palace." 

"We have to go." Everyone climbed onto Appa, but one. "Zuko, are you coming?" Katara asked sweetly.

Zuko looked up at her, then at everyone else on Appa. "Yeah." Katara lent out her hand to him and helped him up. 

Sokka couldn't help but laugh when they approached the palace. "This feels familiar doesn't it?" He asked the earthbender, elbowing her shoulder. Katara made a mental note to ask Sokka about that later.

Appa fell to the ground with a thud while the teens and Iroh jumped off. They all ran into the palace, Zuko and Katara in front. The only thing that waited for them in the palace was the Kyoshi warriors.

"Suki!" Sokka squealed looking at the two girls. Katara flung water at them. 

"It's not Suki." Katara shouted to him. Her water whips headed straight towards the acrobat, but Ty Lee flipped out of the way. Mai threw a knife that headed directly towards Zuko's face. He moved out of the way, the knife grazing his cheek. 

"Mai! Ty Lee!" Zuko howled at the two. "Don't do this. We are only here for Azula."

Mai smirked devilishly. "Were a package deal." 

"Where is Suki?" Sokka demanded. Ty Lee flipped up in front of him. 

"Don't worry about her lover boy." Ty Lee smiled moving closer to him. Aang cut in, knocking Ty Lee and Mai down.

"Enough! Where is the Earth King?" 

"Here," a wicked voice called out. Azula held a flame to the king's head. 

"Azula." Katara called out to her friend. "Its good to see you again." 

Azula's eyes narrowed, and finally she let out a laugh. "Katara you're hilarious. You are a traitor now, you chose the people who abandoned you over the Nation who took you in and made you a princess." 

"I mean technically she is still a princess," Sokka muttered to the earthbender. 

"Azula it's not like that. They didn't abandon me, the Fire Nation kidnapped me." Azula rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess some lie your brother told you? Do you really think him or that Kyoshi warrior wants to be around you? Katara you are Fire Nation, even if you can't bend our element. The only person in that little group that wants to be around you is the Avatar, and it's only because he has the hots for you." Katara looked back in disbelief to the boy. Half of her interactions with him was her trying to capture him. "And an earthbender, really Katara? I know how much you hate them, for what they did to Lu Ten." The room went silent. Tears formed in her eyes, ruining the paint that had been painted on her face. 

"I will never forget what they did to Lu Ten." 

"Come home," Azula spoke softly, addressing both Zuko and Katara. "Zuko father will restore your honor. Both of you will live the life you could only dream about. I remember what you would tell me Katara." Azula handed off the Earth King to one of the Dai Lee. She walked closer to Katara so only her and Zuko could hear her. "You would tell me about how much you missed my brother. You missed bending with him, seeing his face everyday, missed his voice." Katara blushed seeing the look on Zuko's face. 

"Don't listen to her." Iroh cut in.

"You both can redeem yourselves, have the life you always wanted."

"The kind of redemption she offers isn't for either of you. Katara remember what you have learned about your family, Zuko look into your heart." Katara did think about her family, two pictures popped in her head. One with Sokka and Hakoda, the other with Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. She wanted both. The guilt however consumed Katara from the inside out. It had been the Fire Nation who had raised her and given her everything she ever wanted. Hakoda and Sokka however, fell short. Katara walked towards Zuko and held his hand.

"I don't ever want to be away from you again." She whispered quietly enough for only him to hear.

"But what if I choose and it's not what you want?" Katara peered into his eyes.

"I trust you."

All eyes were on them. Zuko closed his eyes and thought for a minute, making his decision. 

Dang you guys, #4 in Zutara! That is so cool, thank you guys for voting and reading! Also how about that for an ending? Wonder what he will choose...

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