5- The Avatar Returns

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 Katara watched as a damaged ship docked in the Fire Nation port. She knew exactly whose ship this was, it was much smaller than the rest of the ships.

"Sergeant Katara?" She totally forgot about the Admiral she had been talking to and spaced out as she thought of Zuko.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me for a second." Without even listening to what he said she quickly made her way to the broken ship. She quickened the pace when she saw two recognizable figures. Zuko smiled when he saw Katara running toward them, her bright blue eyes prominent in a sea of red.

"Katara!" Zuko too started to run towards her. They clashed into a hug. "I missed you." He said pulling her into a kiss.

"Last time I saw you was only a few months ago, how can you miss me already?"

"Come on Katara, we've been dating for a few months. Of course I already miss you."

"Well I missed you too!" She said, pulling him into another kiss. Katara turned to the figure that was walking towards them.

"Uncle!" She ran to give the old man a hug. It felt right calling him Uncle since everyone else did, and he insisted that she stop calling him Iroh.

"How are you my dear?"

"I'm doing great!" She walked back over to Zuko and held his hand as they walked.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but my nephew still has yet to get you a birthday present."

"It's fine, my birthday was months ago. Besides, all I want from you is to spend more time with you."

"Yeah but both of us are busy. Especially you Sergeant Princess Katara." He nudged her with his shoulder, she blushed. Her birthday present from the Fire Lord was the rank along with four soldiers that accompanied her along in her missions. Katara also started to dress more like the Sergeant she was. She wore red and gold armor, with black leggings and a light red tunic underneath. Due to it being a winter month she also wore a red cloak with a gold Fire Nation insignia as a clasp.

"Yes well you're busy too Zuko, with finding the Avatar and all. How was the South Pole, did you find anything?" Zuko stopped walking and looked away.

"You didn't," Katara's jaw dropped, Zuko didn't have to say anything for her to understand. "I'm guessing that's how your ship was damaged?"

"Yes, but here's the thing. It's only a twelve year old boy." Katara looked back from Zuko to Iroh wanting to confirm that it was true.

"And he did that much damage to your ship?" Zuko nodded. "I want to help you in any way that I can. But I have to wrap things up here first. My crew still has a couple missions straight from Commander Zhao himself, but after that.." Katara kissed him.

"And how is it working for Zhao?"

"It's fine most days. Mostly just him giving orders and me and my team completing them." Katara and her team consisted of two females and two males, five people total doing undercover runs into the Earth Kingdom to keep track of how the army is doing and their supplies. Both of the females were firebenders, while only one of the men was a firebender. Katara was happy with her team. Not only did they work well together, but they were very efficient and quick getting their tasks done.

"Prince Zuko, Sergeant Katara." Zhao greeted them, coming from nowhere. Katara and Zuko immediately let go of each other's hands.

"Zhao I believe you disrespect our Princess by not calling her by all her titles." Zuko smiled knowing it would get under his skin slightly. Zhao simply smiled back at him.

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