27: Fire Nation Imposters

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Katara and Zuko walked the halls of the Fire Nation ship. It was almost nostalgic to be on a ship again wearing Fire Nation amour again. Katara had been with her father for many months, she had forgotten what it was like. It had felt like an eternity since it was her and Zuko hunting Aang. Now look at her she was headed to heal the avatar. 

"You know you should really tell your father that were dating again." Zuko spoke in a quiet tone. 

"I don't think that is the best idea, he doesn't seem to like you a lot right now. Once you earn his trust, I think it would be ok." Zuko nodded. They entered Aang's room to see him walking around, supporting himself on his staff. 

"He's awake." Zuko noticed. Aang rubbed his head. How long had he been out? Did Katara and Zuko take Azula up on her offer? No, because he was fighting his sister, but now they were on a ship, and they were covered in red again. 

"Get away!" Aang ordered. He pointed his staff at the two. "You betrayed us!" 

"Aang-" Katara started to say but was blasted away by an air gust. 

"Hey!" Zuko yelled at the boy. Aang ran past Zuko as he checked on Katara. 

"I'm fine Zuko, go get Aang." Katara sat up, rubbing her head. Zuko ran up to deck where he knew Aang would have gone. He looked over to Sokka and Toph who were holding onto Aang. 

"You got him?" Zuko called to Sokka. He nodded his head. Zuko waited and watched for a moment. Bato walked up to him. 

"The Avatar is finally awake I see." 

"Yeah, he thought Katara and I captured him." 

"That's a fair assumption, no offense." Zuko shrugged. Even if Hakoda didn't seem to like him other members of the tribe didn't see a reason not to get to know the banished prince. Especially Bato, who was like an uncle to the water tribe siblings. 

"Thanks Bato." He walked towards Aang who was still by Sokka and Toph. 

"Hey," Aang greeted him. "Sorry about earlier." 

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Zuko nodded for Aang to follow him. "Come on Avatar, Katara has a healing session with you." A smile grew on his face upon hearing Katara's name. It did not go unnoticed by Zuko. 

"So your like good now?" 

Zuko turned to look at Aang. "What is the definition of good?" Aang stared at Zuko. He nodded and continued to walk, causing Aang to have to catch up. When they reached the room Aang had been in. Katara was using water from the basin to heal her head. Zuko walked towards her and gently turned her head to inspect it. 

"Ow," said quietly. Zuko gently brushed the side of her face with his finger. 

"You only dinged it a bit, I'm sure one more healing session will fix it." Katara nodded in agreement. Her eyes then turned to the young monk. 

"Katara I'm so sorry." Katara raised her hand for him to stop. 

"It's ok Aang, let's get to healing you." Katara moved for him to sit on the bed. "Zuko would you mind getting me some more water?" Zuko nodded and came back a minute later with more. "That was quick."

"I didn't want to leave you waiting." Aang's eyes narrowed at the two, noticing the flirty tones they both shared. Aang removed the robe he had been wearing, and sat on his bed. Katara began working the water on his wound. 

"Let me know when it hurts." Aang nodded. Zuko watched Katara work like he had thousands of times before. Silence took over the small room, only the sound of water moving was heard. 

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