Chapter 4.

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Baileys POV

I was in the shower and I heard my phone ring. I wrapped a towel around myself and answered it.

{b-Bailey & N-Nash}

B: hello??

N: hey Bailey! It's Nash.

B: um... I was kinda in the shower.. So, what do you want?

N: haha sorry.. Um Bart wants you and Josie to come down to the airport at 1 so you can meet everyone.

B: okay we'll be down there. Bye.

N: bye.

I hung up and continued my shower. When I was done I changed into some shorts, black crop top, a tied a flannel shirt around my waist. I slipped on some black converse and left my hair curly and wet. I did a little make up and walked out.

" Josie we gotta go." I yelled and she came out of her room.

" To the airport." I said and walked outside and I tot he garage. Me and her have like... 10 penny boards that we share. I grabbed a light blue one with pink wheels and she got a purple one with yellow wheels.

When we got to the airport, we got off our boards, grabbed them,and walked inside.

" There you guys are! Everyone, this is Bailey and Josie!" Cameron yelled. I just smiled and waved at all the beautiful faces... I mean guys! At all the guys. Josie did the same and Matt walked up to me.

" Hello! I heard you guys sing and you are amazing! " He said and hugged us.

" Thanks. We love your guy's vines." I said and they all smiled and some said a small ' thanks' .

" Why don't you girls go to the hotel with the guys and get to know each other." Bart said and we all agreed. The hotel was right across the road so when we got there, everyone got their room keys and they all met in Nash and cams room. I sat down on a bed next to Cameron and Nash cause they were the only ones a actually knew in person, while Josie sat by hayes.

" Okay let's play ask Josie and Bailey questions!!" Carter yelled and we laughed.

" So..what's your favorite colors??" Jack j asked.

" Blue!" We both said and we giggled.

" How old are you guys?" Aaron asked.

" 15 and Josie's 14." I said and they all nodded.

" Do you have a crush on any of us?" Nash asked and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and Josie just blushed. I looked over at shawn and he was starring at me.

" Maybe.. Maybe not." I shrugged.

" Have you ever sung In front of a crowd before?" Jacob asked.

" Nope. And I'm really nervous." I said.

" Don't be. It's really fun once you get used to it." Shawn said and I nodded.

" We still don't know what sing we're gonna sing tho." Josie said towards me and I nodded.

" Do you write your own?" Shawn asked and we shook our heads no.

" We can't find inspiration." I said and he nodded.

We all talked for a while than me and Josie decked we needed to leave. We all traded numbers and we were off.

When we got home we went into the tv room and sat there thinking what sing to do.

" Oh how about!... No." Josie said.

" Why don't we sing something from like little mix or another girl group or singer." I suggested and she nodded.

" We should sing wings!" Josie said and I smiled.

" That's a good idea. And the shows tomorrow so we'll have to practice." I said.

" We need to make up a little dance number to do." Josie said and I nodded. Me and her always liked to dance together.

" How about we both do the same moves at he beginning. Than when ,say, your turn I will freeze and you can freestyle, then when it's my turn you can pose and I can freestyle. Than in the course we can make up a dance." Josie said and I nodded.

" Let's get started!" I said and plugged up my phone to our speaker.

After we made up a dance in about an hour we both went to our bedrooms. I sat on my bed at the exact same time I got a text.

Shawn: hey.

Me: hey what's up.

Shawn: sitting in my room with Matt. You?

Me: laying down haha

Shawn: we're all really excited to here you guys sing tomorrow.

Me: aw thanks! We picked a song and got the dancing all together. I'm excited!!

Shawn: I bet. Maybe we can do a duet together someday?..

Me: that would be awesome. But we're only going to be at the show.

Shawn: true... But we'll see.

Me: okay. Hey I'm gonna go to sleep so I won't be tired tomorrow. Night

Shawn: Night Bailey.

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