Chapter 26.

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Baileys POV

When I woke up it was around 6am. My flight leaves around 8 so I took a quick shower than changed into some black leggings, a teal shirt that says 'teenage mess' and a black and white cardigan. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I walked back into my room and slipped on some boots.

" Bailey come on!" My mom yelled and I grabbed my bags and ran downstairs.

" Finally!" Josie gushed and I rolled my eyes.

When we got to the school josie gave me a hug and walked in. As we pulled into the airport my mom got our and went in with me.

" Be safe and if anything happens call me. I love you. " She said and hugged me.

" I will and I love you too." I said as they called my flight. My mom waved at me and I smiled and walked onto the plane.

I sat in my seat and Shawn's sister texted me.

Aaliyah: hey

Me: hey! I just got in the plane

Aaliyah: awesome! I can't wait to finally meet you and moms excited too!

Me: I can't wait! But I have to go. See Ya when I land.

Aaliyah: okay bye.

I shut off my phone and leaned back in my chair. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I was the only one off the plane.

" Good I was just about to wake you. " A woman said and I smiled and grabbed my bag. I got off the plane and found the rest of my things.

" Where are you.." I said to myself looking around for the Mendes's.

" Bailey!" I turned around and Aaliyah was walked over to me. I hugged her and her mom.

" It's nice to meet you Mrs. Mendes and Aaliyah!" I said and they smiled.

" Same to you, now let's go home your probably tired." Mrs. Mendes said and I nodded.


When we got home she showed me to the guest room and I sat all my stuff down.

" Okay... Can't wait to see you... Love you too." Shawn's mom was on the phone as she ran j to my room.

" Shawn's coming home early! I'm going to get him from the airport and when I pull up you hide or something." She told me and I nodded.

I ran downstairs and Aaliyah was freaking out and crying.

" What's wrong?" I asked and hugged her.

" I missed him so much! I'm just really happy." She gushed and I smiled.

A few minutes later I heard mrs. Mendes pull up and I ran and hid in their living room. There was a couch that wasn't all the way against the wall so I crawled behind it.

" Aaliyah!" Shawn yelled and I smiled. They talked for a few minutes than he said he'll be right back. I texted Aaliyah and told her to tell her mom where I am.

" Shawn why don't you come and sit down and tell us about your tour." She said and I smiled. I felt the couch move a bit and looked over it and saw his head. I stood up slowly and covered his eyes.

" Guess who!" i yelled and he jumped.

" Bailey!!!" He yelled and pulled me over the couch and hugged me.

" I missed you so so so much! when did you get here?" He asked and sat me down.

" Actually right before you did. Aaliyah texted me and planned this whole thing." He kissed me than went over and hugged his sister.

We all at down again and he told us all about what happened.

When it got late I went up to my room and shawn followed me.

" Go to bed." I said and he nodded and laid down by me.

" Are you sure your mom won't care?" I asked.

" If she does I'll take the blame. I love you" he said and kissed me as I laid down. He wrapped his arms around me and I closed my eyes.

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