Chapter 1:⚠️

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May 27:

It's finally summer vacation which means I'm finally going back home to my family and friends. I've been going to school, Chicago State University, for the past 4 years. I've been away for a long time and today's the day I'm going back home to see my family and friends. I said goodbye to my roommate and headed over to the airport.

My plane leaves late at night so I can arrive in Los Ángeles in the afternoon. Franny is picking up since I'm staying over at her's and AnnMarie's apartment for the night.

A few hours later.

I finally got to Los Angeles. I told Franny not to tell anyone I was coming today. I made an excuse on why I wasn't coming but I'm here. Franny picked me and took me to her apartment. As we were about to open her door she stopped.

Franny: before we go in I have Nezza, Chelsey and AnnMarie
Y/N: Franny! I told you not to tell anyone
Franny: I didn't. We're going to the club so they're here to get ready
Y/N: alright then but i better be invited
Franny: of course you are come on
*you guys walked in*
Nezza/Chelsey/AnnMarie: Y/N!
*they ran to you and hugged you*
Y/N: aww i missed you guys
Nezza: we missed you so much
Chelsey: why didn't you tell us you were coming?
AnnMarie: we would have picked you up
Y/N: i wanted to surprise you guys
Nezza: well since you're here let's not go to the cl-
Y/N: no we're going Im here to have a fun summer vacation with my family and friends so let's get ready

A few hours later.

We all finished getting ready. I did my hair and makeup and quickly changed into my dress *swipe to see*. We all did a quick group picture and did a pregame and headed to the club.

A few minutes later.

We finally arrived to the club and went straight in to the bar.

Y/N: 5 shots of tequila
Bartender: you got it
*he serves you your 5 shots*
Chelsey: we're glad you're here Y/N/N
Y/N: Im happy to be here
*bartender gives you your shots*
AnnMarie: here's to Y/N for coming
*you guys took your shots*
Y/N: alright I'll be back Imma use the restroom
Nezza: you want us to come with
Y/N: nah i can manage
Franny: come on Nezza shes gonna be a cop soon
*you all laugh*
Y/N: alright I'll be back and if I don't come back in 15 minutes go looking for me

An hour later.

I got out of the bathroom and saw that the girls weren't at the bar. I thought they went looking for me since I took longer so I just stayed at the bar Just incase they came back.

Y/N: hey keep the shots going
Bartender: where you're friends go?
Y/N: not sure i went to the bathroom
*he gives you your shots*
Bartender: I'm sure they'll come back
*you took your shot*
Y/N: i hope so

An hour later.

I don't remember how many shots I took but I was out of it. The girls still haven't came back. I tried calling but none of them answered. The bartender kept talking to me and not gonna lie we've became friends. We exchanged numbers.

I finally decided to go look for the girls. I said goodbye to the bartender and made plans with him sometime. His name is Jackson Avery. I tried walking but I couldn't seem to walk straight. I walked around the club but I didn't seem to find them anywhere so I went back to the bar.

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