Chapter 7:

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June 15:

I'm currently with Franny hiking early in the morning to watch the sunset. We were about to finish our walk when I get a call from Zach.

what's up?

wanted to know if you're free tomorrow

yeah why?

would you be able to entertain some one?

well depends who we talking about

tomorrow is Jonah's birthday and
we want to throw a surprise party
for him so we were wondering if you ca-

if I can entertain him until
it's time?

*the boys enter the call*


fine but how long?

you can take him out by 2

and bring him back by 7 or 8

you want me to entertain him
for 5 to 6 hours?


alright then I'll message him
after my hike

we love you Y/N

*you put your phone down*
Franny: you can tell him on his birthday
Y/N: I don't know Franny
Franny: I think you should do it now
Y/N: no because if I tell him now imma have to explain to Zach why we're acting too weird
Franny: but you don't have to explain anything to Zach you're old enough to know what's best for you
Y/N: I know but I'm risking Jonah's friendship with Zach
Franny: look you don't need to date him or even marry him but just know he deserves to know he might be expecting
Y/N: I got until tomorrow or 9 months to tell him
*you looked down & ended the call*
Y/N: omg! Franny! I didn't end the call
Franny: do you think Zach heard?
Y/N: I don't think so I hope not

Jack's POV:
Zach left his phone unlocked and went in the booth to record his part of the song. We had Jonah go record his part when we were on the phone with Y/N. I picked up Zach's phone and heard voices coming through.

look you don't need to date him or even marry him but just know he deserves to know he might be expecting

Y/N: I got until tomorrow or 9 months to tell him

*in his mind*
Jack: Y/N is pregnant? who's the dad? Does Zach know?
*you hanged up as Zach comes out*
Zach: why do you have my phone?
Jack: I was just locking it for you since you forgot
Zach: oh thanks man

Your POV:
It's been almost 3 hours since I've went hiking. Franny had dropped me off since she needed to get ready to record a video with Nezza. I called Jonah to let him know I'm taking him out.

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