Chapter 2:

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Next Morning.

I woke up with a headache. I don't remember much from last night. I only remember the girls leaving me and meeting someone. I turned around and saw that no one was here just me. I still didn't get the guy's name. I got up to look for my phone and saw that I had tons of missed calls from the girls. I ordered an Uber to Franny's place.

A few minutes later.

I finally got to Franny's house and hoped that the girls aren't home right now. I got closer to the door and heard footsteps inside. I slowly walked in hoping they don't see me but they did.

Girls: Y/N!
*they run up to you & hugged you*
Y/N: aye lower the volume I have a hangover
Franny: where were you?
AnnMarie: Jackson said you left with a guy
Y/N: uhm i honestly don't remember I ended up in a hotel
Nezza: hotel? Did he do something to you?
Y/N: no he didn't well I don't think so anyways imma go get ready

An hour later.

I finished doing my makeup *swipe too see*. Before I started to do my hair my mom called me.

hey mom

hey baby, what you doing?

just getting ready to hang out with
a few friends

where you guys heading?

we're gonna go to dinner

ohh that's good. Wish you spent your vacation here

i know mom but work and school
has been heavy lately

but you're in summer vacation you shouldn't be worrying about school right now

yeah i know anyways mom I have to
go talk to you later

I'll be waiting

tell everyone I miss them

I will have fun sweetie

I ended the call and started to do my hair *swipe to see*. After a while, I finally finished doing my makeup and hair and changed into my outfit *swipe to see*. I walked out to the living room finding only Franny in the living room.

Franny: are you sure you don't remember what happened last night?
Y/N: all I remember was that he and I walked on the beach and that's it
Franny: did you have fun?
Y/N: I would have if you guys didn't disappear
*Nezza and AnnMarie walked in with food*
AnnaMarie: hey we didn't disappear we went to look for you but then we saw a few friends of ours
Nezza: and we got distracted
Franny: we had our phones on silent
Y/N: well the next time you girls invite me to a club make sure y'all don't disappear
Girls: we promise
Franny: now let's eat breakfast before you go see your family

An hour later.

I got my things together and went to Franny's car since she's dropping me off. On my way home I was getting nervous. Before we got there, we stopped by at Starbucks and got our drinks.

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