Chapter 5⚠️

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Y/N: it looks like you guys have history
*you look at him*
Oscar: uhm we meet by a friend of mine which turns out my friend's cousin was friends with Y/N
Y/N: and our friends invited us to their party and they left us alone
Oscar: which I think they were setting up
Y/N: thinking about it now I think so too
*you guys laugh*
Oscar: we got to know each other better and we exchanged information and a little by little
Both: we started dating
*you both look at each other & smile*
Oscar: I knew she was the one
Y/N: and I knew he was the one
Oscar: but long distances she lived in Texas at the time and I was in South Carolina almost heading to LA
*you look down*
Y/N: we lost connection and never heard of each other since until now

4 hours later.

I was about to leave the C4 house when I get an unknown message.

hey Y/N

who's this?

??: it's Jonah

how did you get my number

I took Zach's phone and got it

weird but okay

just wanted to text you and ask if
you're free to go to dinner tonight

uhm yeah Im about to leave the C4 house
if you want to pick me up here

Jonah: I'll be there in 10 minutes


I put my phone away and saw that Franny and Nezza came downstairs. Everyone else came out a few seconds later.

Nezza: so what are we doing?
Franny: I don't know what do you guys want to do?
Y/N: well I have to go already
Jc: already?
Crawford: we haven't hung out today and you're leaving
Y/N: I got a date
Franny: with who?
Y/N: with someone
*you get a message from Jonah*

Hey, I'm outside

give me a sec

*you turned to look at everyone*
Y/N: well I'll see you guys later
Everyone: bye
Nezza: you better tell us everything tomorrow
Y/N: no promises

I walked out and saw that Jonah was parked across the street. He saw getting closer to his car and got out to open the passenger door.

Y/N: wow a gentleman I see
Jonah: what can I say my parent raised me right
*you both got in the car*
Y/N: well then applauds to your parents
Jonah: and they're appreciate you for that
*you both laugh & smile*
Jonah: now about we eat dinner?
Y/N: where you taking me?
Jonah: where the boys and I go everytime

A few minutes later.

We got to BOA Steakhouse. Jonah told me to go in first since there was paparazzi outside so I did. He parked a block away from the restaurant. I walked in front of me so they won't suspect a thing. When we were getting closer to the entrance, the paparazzi stopped Jonah to ask him a few questions. He texted me to go in and get our table.

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