Chapter 20:

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I drop off the girls at their house and went to go pick up Zach and the kids. After a while, I got there and heard glass breaking and I ran inside to see Jonah and Zach fighting.

Y/N: what the fuck is going on?
*they stopped & look at you*
Corbyn: we were planning on going to a trip for Jack's birthday
Jack: and Jonah said let's go to Vegas because it's always fun
Daniel: Zach said so you can do that again
Jack: then they had an argument and
Corbyn: the fight happened
Y/N: and you guys did nothing to stop it?
Jack: we did on the first round
Y/N: what?
Jonah: look I'm sorry Y/N for that night
Y/N: oh save it
Jonah: seriously we didn't do anything
Y/N: then why did she say last night was amazing Jonah?
Jonah: we didn't do anything
Zach: you did both of you didn't come back to the hotel
Corbyn: what happened in Vegas?
Y/N: if you really want to know Jonah here cheated on me with Tate his ex
Daniel: really Jonah?
Jonah: we didn't do anything
Zach: you did do something with her
Y/N: Zach! Stop!
Zach: what? he should admit it
Jonah: admit what?
Zach: that you slept with her
Y/N: Zach go wait in the car and go calm down
Zach: but
Y/N: GO!
*he leaves the room*
Y/N: where are my kids?
Jonah: they're sleeping right now
Y/N: fine I'll pick them up tomorrow morning I'll see you boys later
*you turned around & started walking out*
Jonah: please let's talk about it
*you turned to look at him*
Y/N: you know what we should have left this as a one night stand
*he got mad*
Jonah: I guess you're right we should have left it as a one night stand
*you walked to your car & got in the driver's seat*
Zach: what about the kids?
Y/N: I'll pick them up tomorrow
*you start to drive away*
Y/N: why did you have to fight Jonah?
Zach: he deserves it
Y/N: and didnt I tell you I was gonna deal with this
Zach: I know but you're my sister and I should be protecting you
Y/N: but you shouldn't god I wish I would have listened to you earlier

A few minutes later.

We got to the house and went straight to clean up Zach's face. After a while, my parents came home and saw how Zach was. He explained to them what happened.

Jonah's POV:
When those words come out of my mouth, I was mad at myself. I didn't know what came to my mind. I didn't want it to just be a one night stand. I truly wanted to marry her. Right when she drove away, I went to my room and went in between Flynn and Delilah.

Jonah: I really messed up with your mother
*he starts to tear up*
Jonah: what am I gonna do to get her back? I didn't mean what I said
*Corbyn walks in*
Corbyn: hey bro you good?
*he wipes his tears*
Jonah: yeah I'm fine
Corbyn: Jonah I know when you're fine and when you aren't
*he starts to cry*
Jonah: I don't know what imma do
Corbyn: make her listen to you
Jonah: but she doesn't want to
Corbyn: tell me what actually happened that night
Jonah: when she went to the bathroom we agreed to meet up at the bar to repeat the day we meet and Tate comes in sits next to me and she kissed me I pulled away and I told her how I felt towards Y/N and she told me I sound like I'm going to marry her she gave me an idea and when she told me that I asked for her help to look for something so we left the club together
Corbyn: no wonder I couldn't find you I thought you and Y/N we're already doing it
Jonah: CORBYN!
Corbyn: sorry go on
Jonah: we went to the nearest jewelry store and she helped me find a ring
Corbyn: so what you're saying is that you were gonna propose?
*he takes the ring out of the cabinet*
Jonah: bought the ring and organized a romantic place to do it
Corbyn: bro I'm so proud of you for making that step
Jonah: yeah but now I have to win her back
Corbyn: I'll help you out bro
Jonah: and how are you gonna do that?
Corbyn: I'll ask her if she can meet me somewhere where you guys can be alone and I'll take her car
Jonah: and how are you gonna do that
Corbyn: easy I'll ask Daniel to let me us do it at his house I'll ask her if she can pick me
Jonah: I don't think it's gonna work
Corbyn: we got to try Jonah
Jonah: alright

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