Chapter 19:

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May 31:

It's been a week since I ended things with Jonah. I didn't want it to end but he did cheat on me. I'm currently packing everything up to move to LA. We're putting my things in a storage container until I find my own place. We're doing a road trip since I don't want anything to happen to my babies.

Josh: alright who's ready for a road trip?
Reese: meee!
*Zach turns to look at you*
Zach: you okay?
Y/N: yeah I just don't think I'm ready to leave Chicago
Myta: it's always good to start a new chapter
Ryan: you get to be closer to us
*you leave the house keys on the counter*
Y/N: you're right i guess it time to go
*they all went out & you stayed behind to take a moment in with Zach*
Zach: I know you're worried about seeing him constantly but just know if anything happens I'll be right here
Y/N: I know Zach and please don't let our situation ruin what you guys have
Zach: I'll probably throw some punches but I'll be okay
Y/N: please promise me you're not gonna do anything and let us deal with this
Zach: okay I promise
Y/N: alright now let's go before we have to change places for me to take care the kids
*you guys were about to go when someone yelled out your name*
Y/N: oh my god!
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: imma miss you guys
JJ: what do you mean?
Y/N: I'm not gonna be living here anymore
Tony: we're moving too
Zach: where to?
Tony/JJ: LA
Y/N/Zach: WHAT?!
Tony: you're not gonna get away from us that easily
Y/N: I'm so happy
Zach: are you guys flying out there?
JJ: yeah we are but we're gonna stay here for a while since our family are here we want the wedding to be here
Y/N: wait what wedding?
JJ: Tony propose to me a week ago
Y/N: no way!
*JJ shows you the ring*
Y/N: ahhh my besties are getting married!
*you hugged them*
Zach: congrats
*he hugs them*
JJ: thank you guys but there is one thing i want to ask you Y/N
Y/N: yeah what is it?
JJ: would you like to be my maid of honor?
Y/N: I would love too
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: are you gonna ask Spencer to be your best man?
Tony: I would but
JJ: they're no longer friends anymore
Y/N: oh so who you going to ask?
Tony: I already asked Jonah just a few minutes ago and he said yes
*you looked down*
JJ: oh god don't tell me you guys broke up
Y/N: yeah but it's fine
Tony: you sure it's not gonna be awkward?
Y/N: no it's fine
*JJ's phone started ringing*
Y/N: alright well we're gonna go now but let me when when I have to come back to help you out
JJ: I will
*you guys hugs*
Tony: let us know when y'all arrived
Zach: we will

3 days later.

We finally got to LA. We had a few stops to do and stayed at hotels. We started to unload my things into to storage containers. They're was only 2 boxes full of Jonah's things. Zach is gonna help me take them to him later.

3 hours later.

We finished unloading my things and headed over to return the U-Haul before heading home. After a while, we went home and ordered breakfast since it's still early. I went to go give my babies a bath. After a while, I changed them into their clothes and feed them one by one. My parents bought cribs for the babies.

A few minutes later.

I put them down and turned on the baby monitor. I took one with me. I went to go take a quick shower. After a while, I put on an oversized shirt and biker shorts while I do my hair and makeup.

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