Chapter 10:

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June 20:

Zach and I have been looking at apartments and I fell in love with one of them. Today I'm going to go sign that papers and get the keys to the place. Zach has to go back home tomorrow which leaves me packing alone with JJ and Tony.

A few hours later.

I finally got all the paperwork done and now I'm the owner of a new apartment. I headed back to the apartment with boxes so we can start packing and have everything ready by the time I have to go back to LA. I unlocked the door and JJ started to open up a champagne bottle.

Y/N: you got a bottle just to do that?
JJ: yeah but don't worry we got another and of course a nonalcoholic one too
Tony: I'm guessing you got the place
Y/N: yes I did
Tony: when are you moving in?
Y/N: they said I'm able to start now
Jj: I'm gonna miss being roommates with you
Tony: and I'm gonna miss bothering you in the middle of the night
Y/N: you guys can visit and I'm moving just a few blocks
JJ: but we won't be together 24/7
Y/N: we will now let's finish packing
*Zach comes in*
Zach: food is here
Y/N: you went walking?
Tony: I let him borrow my car

Ever since Zach and Tony meet, they've been inseparable. Some might say they're twins. Tony was the reason why I missed Zach a lot. They have so much in common which scares me a lot.

Next Morning.

Zach's plane leaves in about 1 hour and of course we're gonna be late because Zach is still getting ready. I put my hair in a messy bun and a light makeup *swipe to see*. I put on an oversized crew neck with biker shorts since Imma be moving boxes.

Y/N: ZACH! Hurry you're gonna be late
Zach: I'm ready let's go
*you both started walking towards the door*
Tony: well we're waiting for you

A few minutes later.

We arrive at the airport just in time for the plane. We said our goodbyes and we went our separate ways. I didn't leave until I saw the plane leave. Surprising there wasn't any limelights around.

After a while, we got starbucks and headed over to pick up some more boxes and the U-Haul truck. Tony is gonna drive it while I take my car back. JJ is back home finishing packing since she's going back home to visit her family.

An hour later.

We started to put some boxes in the U-Haul. Tony didn't want me to curry heavy things so he only let me carry the box full with pillows or anything light. There wasn't many boxes to move since most of the furniture was JJ. JJ was the first to move in the apartment. She's a year older then me. She was a sophomore and I was a freshman in college when we first meet. She needed a roommate who will help her with rent.

A few hours later.

We finished doing the kitchen and the living room. Tony went to the store to get two air mattresses for us to sleep in the rooms.

Next Morning.

We woke up early to get breakfast and we're gonna start doing the nursery room. After breakfast we went to Home Depot to pick out some colors for the nursery room and my room. After that we went to a furniture store to pick out some things for the nursery room and my room.

A few hours later.

We got everything prepared. We started painting the walls of the room. The furniture for both rooms are gonna be delivered in two days. We started with my room first. We each took one wall.

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