Chapter 16:

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We had delivered my babies. Our baby boy is Fynn Marais, he was born first. Our baby girl is Delilah Marais. They're only 8 minutes apart. They took me back to the room while they did a check up on them. As I was waiting I went to sleep.

Next Morning.

I woke to sound of my babies crying. I sat up and saw that Jonah was sleeping on the couch. The nurse came in as I was about to get up and go to them.

Nurse: hey no you need to stay in bed I'll bring them to you
Y/N: thank you
*she gives you Fynn*
Nurse: you ready for the second one?
Y/N: yeah
Nurse: alright here is Delilah
*she hands you Delilah*
Y/N: how am i gonna do this?
Nurse: it's gonna be hard but your husband is gonna be there
Y/N: i wish
Nurse: what do you mean?
Y/N: he lives in LA and i live here
Nurse: oh I see
Y/N: plus i have school and work
Nurse: if you want I can give you my kids babysitter she can take care of them while you're in school and work
Y/N: well imma do homeschool now and I have maternity leave but that would be amazing to have an other extra hands
*Jonah wakes up & goes to you*
Nurse: I'll be back with that number
Y/N: thank you
*she leaves you guys alone*
Jonah: what was that about?
Y/N: Don't worry about it
*you give him a kiss*
Y/N: anyways goodmorning baby
Jonah: goodmorning beautiful how are you feeling?
*he takes Delilah*
Y/N: like i just gave birth to two baby
*you both laugh*
Jonah: she looks a lot like you
Y/N: I think they're our mini version of us
*your family & Jonah's family came in*
Reese: babies!
Josh: how you feeling?
Y/N: tired but happy to finally meet my babies
Jonah: want to tell them their names?
Y/N: you didn't tell them?
Carrie: nope and we're dying to know
Y/N: well the one Jonah is holding is Delilah
Jonah: and that's Fynn
Esther: can I carry one?
Svea: and I'll carry the other
Y/N: you want Fynn?
*Esther takes Fynn*
Jonah: and I guess Svea gets Delilah

A few minutes later.

We've talked about how I'm gonna do it. If I'm going to move with them or staying here. Honestly I want to stay here for a while see how it goes.

Y/N: anyways I forgot to ask you guys yesterday
Myta: what's up?
Y/N: where's Zach?
Carrie: I think we should leave you guys alone
Jonah: well be outside
*they put Fynn and Delilah their bed & walked out*
Y/N: are you guys gonna tell me?
Myta: he has rehearsals wasnt able to make it since Jonah is here
Y/N: mom I know that's not the real reason
Josh: okay Zach didn't want to come because
*you looked down*
Y/N: he still doesn't want to see me
*your eyes became watery*
Myta: I'm sorry baby
Y/N: I just really wish he was here
*you started crying & Myta comes hug you*
Myta: I know you do

May 20:

It's been 2 months and being a parent isn't easy mostly with school and work. Thankfully my mom and Carrie are here to help me out. Jonah can't stay long since he has rehearsals and other things too.

Anyways, today I'm graduating and I'm glad I'm done with school so I can now focus on spending more time with my babies. My whole family is here even Zach. I'm currently doing my makeup when a knock happened.

Y/N: come in
*the door opens*
Zach: hey do you have a sec?
Y/N: uhm yeah what's up?
Zach: I want to apologize for being distinct with you
Y/N: you don't have to apologize I should be the one to apologize I was the one who kept it from when I should have told you
Zach: yeah but I made it a big deal when it wasn't
Y/N: true
Zach: and I know I said I was fine with it and im not showing it
Y/N: but you also said you're gonna need time to get use to it
Zach: it's just the fact that you're dating one of my band mate and I know you're gonna get hate as soon as limelights know about
*you stopped doing your makeup & look at him*
Y/N: Zach I don't care what they say about me as long as they don't lay a hand on me I'll be okay
*you go & give him a hug*
Y/N: thank you for worrying about me you're the best brother ever
*Ryan walks in*
Ryan: and what about me?
Y/N: well Zach is the best older brother and your more like the best younger brother ever
*Reese walks in*
Reese: you're all here?
Y/N: I was wondering where my favorite sibling was
Ryan/Zach: hey!
Reese: she loves me more
*you all did a group hug*
Y/N: alright I got to finish getting ready
Zach: let's leave her alone
*they started walking away*
Y/N: hey Zach
*he turns to look at you*
Zach: yeah?
Y/N: i missed you
Zach: I missed you too sis

A few hours later.

It's time for my graduation. I have my hair and makeup done *swipe to see*, my babies are all dressed up and I'm in my gown. After a while, the ceremony was about to end.

...: by virtue of the authority vested in me by the board of Chicago State University, I do hereby confer upon you the Doctoral, Master's and Bachelor's degrees as indicated, with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities pertaining thereto let's congratulate all of today's candidates one more time
*everyone clap as they all throw there caps*
Tony: congrats Y/N now you can go to LA
*you both hug each other*
Y/N: same to you but now you can propose to JJ
Tony: I'm ready for it
Y/N: Im so happy for you guys
Tony: I hope she says yes
Y/N: i know she'll say yes
Tony: who knows maybe your next
Y/N: nope i don't think so
*your family & Jonah comes & congratulate you*
Jonah: my baby finally graduated!
Myta: we're so proud of you baby
Josh: you made it
Carrie: all your hard work has paid off
Y/N: thank you guys for coming
Timothy: of course it means a lot to you
Zach: so how about we go out and celebrate?

A few hours later.

We went to go get dinner and headed back to my house. I saw that my front door was opened.

Y/N: we did locked the doors when we left right
Zach: well I
Y/N: ZACH! If I get robbed you're buying everything that was taken
*you slowly walked inside & turned the lights*
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Y/N: you guys flew all the way here?
Franny: you didn't think we miss this day
Nezza: which by the way congrats!
*they all hug you*
Corbyn: and plus your the only Herron sibling that has a diploma and
Daniel: now a degree
Jack: correction masters degree
Y/N: i didn't expect you guys to come here
Crawford: well to be fair I wasn't planning on coming but rich JC wanted to pay for it
JC: well yeah we have to be here for her
Kian: and we thank you for it
Oscar: now we have someone to protect us
*he hugs you*
Y/N: you're a big boy you can do that yourself
*everyone laughs*
Zach: alright let's get the party started
Y/N: i will be back just need to feed my babies
*you took Fynn from Carrie*
Jonah: I'll help you
*he takes Delilah from Esther*
Esther: are you gonna feed her?
Jonah: no I'm not I just wan-
Zach: have a 3rd child and hide it again
Corbyn: really?
Jonah: no it's okay
Y/N: we're gonna talk about this later

I started walking upstairs as the music starts playing. I got to the nursery room. I sat down on the rocking chair and started feeding Fynn.

Y/N: Im sorry about Zach
Jonah: there's nothing to be sorry about Y/N sooner or later he's gonna have to take everything out
Y/N: i know but he said he was fine with us this morning and he comes out with this
Jonah: baby I know but he's gonna need more time then just a few months
*he sits next to you*
Y/N: i just don't like arguing with him
*you put your head on his shoulder*
Jonah: let's just forget about this and let's enjoy this party
*you got up & put Fynn in his crib*
Y/N: let me put him down and feed Delilah and I'll be down
*he gives you Delilah & gives you a kiss & leaves*
Y/N: Del i really hope you don't grow up and deal with this your uncle is just a difficult person right he doesn't love the idea of your dad and I being together as much as he said he's fine with this he's not I just want him to be happy for me but if it's gonna take time I guess I'll have to give him space even if it takes when you two are 18 just wish I can go back to when it all started I would maybe it was a wrong idea to stay for the summer

Y/N: Im sorry about Zach Jonah: there's nothing to be sorry about Y/N sooner or later he's gonna have to take everything out Y/N: i know but he said he was fine with us this morning and he comes out with this Jonah: baby I know but he's gonna need...

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